
List Five Positive And Unique Aspects Of Intercultural Relationships

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List five positive and unique aspects of intercultural relationships:
I. Cultural awareness: having an understanding and appreciation for different cultures as well as your own. Being culturally aware allows you gain more insight and increases your knowledge on the way of life in other countries. You get a different perspective and a better appreciation for other cultures thereby eliminating close-mindedness. (San Diego State University, n.d.)
II. Opportunity to travel abroad: traveling to another country enables you to get a complete picture of the culture, it also helps to enhance your interpersonal skills as well as your communication skills and it enables you to appreciate new customs. (San Diego State University, n.d.)
III. Breaking stereotypes: we live to be different and at the same time, attempt to fit in with the way society dictates. Usually a few people out of certain groups of people who live and do things differently than our standard perspective, we put those groups of people, (after judging only a few), in the proverbial nutshell known as stereotype. Stereotyping is an indication of one group of people exhibiting superiority over another group of people usually by some sort of negative connotation that undermines their values. Intercultural relationships helps to break down these type of negative actions allowing for a different perspective and a better understanding. (Trulymadly, 2014)
IV. Obtaining new abilities: by encountering circumstances in another

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