
Macbeth Mental Essay

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Macbeth Research Paper
Dontee L. Sessoms
3rd period

Macbeth With anger, illusions, stress and so much more I will analyze Macbeth and lady Macbeth for their problems and disorders. In my research I will decipher between certain diseases such as bipolar disease, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive, panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, sleeping disorder, and paranoia to see exactly which one of these stress/hurtful symptoms in which they both share. I’ve got my observation information from many resources such as doctor, psychiatrist, prison guards, and the dictionary. And overall I would find them very resourceful. …show more content…

With all this said I hereby until further notice diagnose Macbeth with schizophrenia, sleeping disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. Macbeth will take Clozapine for his schizophrenia, drugs used to induce drowsiness hypnotics and sedatives are often the same as those used to relieve anxiety for his sleeping disorder, and propranolol, imipramine, and phenelzine for his post traumatic stress disorder. He would be given a mandatory minimum of 3 years with psychiatric help.

Lady Macbeth on the other hand is a completely different case. She is faced with many problems as well throughout Shakespeare’s tragedy. In away lady Macbeth is just like Macbeth but at the same time they where very different. Ultimately it was Lady Macbeth who led Macbeth to this deranged state of mind. If it wasn’t for her Macbeth wouldn’t have killed the king in the first place because he wouldn’t have been provoked to follow out with his first thought. With that said she said to Macbeth “ I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this ” which states that she

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