
Mildred Technology Quotes

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In regards to why Mildred did not know or acknowledge the disconnect between her and Montag, the most influential one is her reliance to technology. An example of Mildred’s dependency to technology is the quote “And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind. The room was indeed empty. Every night the waves came in and bore her off on their great tides of sound, floating her, wide-eyed, toward morning. There had been no night in the last two years that Mildred had not swum that sea, had not gladly gone down in it for the third time.” (Page 12) This quote shows how much Mildred used technology. To display the fact that Mildred listened to the Seashells in her ears everyday for two years really shows …show more content…

Throughout the book, Mildred refers to expensive parlor walls as her family. This shows how close she is to technology even more. Montag even states “Well, wasn't there a wall between him and Mildred, when you came down to it? Literally not just one, wall but, so far, three! And expensive, too! And the uncles, the aunts, the cousins, the nieces, the nephews, that lived in those walls, the gibbering pack of tree-apes that said nothing, nothing, nothing and said it loud, loud, loud.” (page 44) Her connection to technology has distanced her away from her relationship with Montag. Maybe if Mildred payed as much attention to her marriage as she did to the walls she would have a stronger marriage. The walls that Mildred called “family” were getting to her and were making Mildred the woman that Montag stopped loving. But Mildred was not able to see this because the walls and every other type of technology that she used was distracting her from reality. Technology didn’t make Mildred think deeply and carefully about the things that mattered

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