
Nicaraguan Gender Inequality

Decent Essays

Gender inequality has been a crucial issue throughout the years all around the world for the past few decades. Women are mistreated and often oppressed by patriarchal societies. Women’s rights are often dismissed and it is believed that women are not capable of being independent which has highly affects women population.
A group of women in Nicaragua organized movements to fight over land ownership by men. They are seeking plots of land to farm in order to contribute to the food security of their families and of the population at large (silva,2016). Nicaragua is a developing country that is male-dominated making it difficult for women to have access to political and economical matters. The movement “The Federation of Nicaraguan Women Farmers …show more content…

The problem is that the entire legal, economic and productive system is still dominated by men, and they see women as threats, more than competition, to their traditional business activities (Silva,,2016). A Male dominated society believes that women are only born to reproduce and take care of the household as well as making sure, the man is taken care of in all the possible …show more content…

When we mention politics people tend to think about voting for an individual, running as a politician (masculine), but that is not it. Informal politics are crucial for gender equality and minority group’s rights. Like movements that include local community-based and national and international organizations, that enforce women’s desire to become independent and to be respected as such. One issue that women face is not being taken seriously, protests and movements are sometimes not taken seriously by masculine politics. Nicaragua as being a patriarchal country lacks to give attention to women who are seeking an opportunity in the farming industry.
In conclusion, the lack of women’s rights are not only affecting women. It also affects men, because while they refuse to give power and rights to women, they waste time and waste women’s valuable time as well. In regards of women’s movements in Nicaragua demanding land to work and make profit independently from men, The Federation is not willing to give up until the law is being

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