
Persuasive Essay On Mental Health

Decent Essays

About 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 experiences a severe mental disorder at least once in their lifetime. Over one-third of students with a mental health condition, age 14­–21 drops out—the highest dropout rate of any disability group. With these statistics, it shows how many people are not gaining support and are just giving up because they cannot find convenient help. If this issue is shown in the classroom, then the awareness rates will rise, making more establishments for support and treatment. Mental-Illness is a very important to me because my family has a history of depression and bipolarism and a large chunk of my peers have symptoms of anxiety and or depression. Mental illness is commonly found in a developing child and starts to become a norm for them when they become an adult, this is why we need to stop mental disorders in the early stages. Therefore spreading awareness about teen depression is where to start and that is why I chose this subject. Teenage mental-health severely impacts a developing child's success in school and their day-to-day lives. Issues like depression and suicide need to be explored in our education because many are being affected. This topic is important because many teens continue to feel alone and suffer from these illnesses. By teaching about them, we can create an awareness and hope. The lack of exposing young people to this information has caused teens to not seek help.“Suicide is the second main reason for 13-19-year-old deaths.”

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