
Pro Euthanasia Pro And Cons Essay

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Pro Euthanasia Imagine being sick with a terminal illness that brought excruciating pain and a limited number of months to live. Would it be worth it to keep going? Living day by day in a hospital not knowing which day could be the last. When dealing with a terminal illness, life becomes boring. Every day is spent lying in a hospital bed constantly being poked and prodded by nurses and doctors and when family comes to visit, there are no fun, meaningful conversations, all that is talked about is the next treatment plan and if it will even work. Being in a state like this may lead one to ask themselves, is it worth it? All the pain and suffering without any results, seeing people in the hospital getting better but you seem to keep getting worse, …show more content…

The right to die is also commonly associated with the Death With Dignity National Center which was based on Oregon’s Death With Dignity Act which allows a terminally ill patient to request to end their life due to unbearable suffering. With this act which had 51.3 percent of voters supporting it, led Oregon to be the first state to legalize physician-assisted suicide. With the help of this act which was passed in 1994, 208 people have taken their lives since 2005 (Death with Dignity Act). Supporters of this act believe that since one is in control of their own body, it is their right to be able to do whatever they would like to do with their own body, which may even mean committing suicide or participating in voluntary euthanasia. “They argue that the right to die is protected by the same constitutional safeguards that guarantee such rights as marriage, procreation, and the refusal or termination of life-saving medical treatment” ( Since one own their own body, they should be able to use their body however they would like to. Even if this means committing suicide, it should still be one’s personal decision and they should be allowed to do that and respected for their decision. The right to die is really not about wanting to end one’s life, it is about being able to die on one’s own terms and die with respect and decency. …show more content…

Euthanasia is necessary for people who have had enough suffering and have been in pain for too long. One may feel like they are done with putting up with the anguish and feel that their life is over. Many people consider turning toward euthanasia because they feel as though they have fulfilled their life and lived it to the fullest. In the Netherlands, a petition for physician assisted suicide received over 100,000 signatures by people over the age of 70 who believed that their lives were complete and they wanted to die.(Margaret Somerville). Euthanasia ends the unnecessary suffering that people are constantly put through by their disease daily. It ends one’s misery and allows them to die in peace on one’s own terms. As previously stated, euthanasia is not about wanting to die, it is about not wanting to live with unbearable pain at all hours of the day and constantly having treatment after treatment that does not seem to be working. Euthanasia helps to end suffering by administering a lethal dose of drugs prescribed by a physician or doctor. Euthanasia is a peaceful way to die. One can be euthanized in a calm setting with their friends and family all around to say goodbye. There is no waiting for the dreaded day of death that no one can see coming, with euthanasia, one can decide when they want to go and how they will die. It provides a sense of

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