
Pros And Cons For President Essay

Decent Essays

For the president of u.s.a (2016)
Why are all our presidential candidates a bad choice? I know that all our candidates are a bad choice, I have decided to lean towards this decision because Trump, Clinton, and Johnson all have done horrible things that I strongly disagree with. They may have done some things that I agree with, but the bad overrule the good by far. In this essay, I will explain why I chose this reason and more about my reasoning.
Trump would be the worst president for our country. Not only do I not have any pros that I came upon for Trump, but I have a vary of cons about him. First, he has stated on multiple occasions that Mexican immigrants are rapists. He said that him not responsibly playing his …show more content…

The pros would be, he supports equality and civil rights. He also has some experience, having previously been the governor of New Mexico. The cons are, He says he is a part of the liberal party, but he does not support most of the things that libertarians usually support. Also, he does support legalizing marijuana, which I do not agree with. He has smokes marijuana
If Clinton was our president, the pros that would come if she was the president are, , “ Clinton believes the United States has a sacred trust with Native Americans. She is committed to strengthening and building on the government-to-government relationship between the United States and Indian tribes.” Said 2016 Hillary for America also would be the first female president, which I think is long overdue. The cons now are, she made a lazy and horrible mistake once in her career, how do we know she won’t make the same mistake again?
In the end, we must choose a least one candidate of the three. I would choose Clinton because she has done the more good than bad in my opinion. They all are not a good choice in my opinion but Clinton is the best. I think that Trump is the worst decision because his opinions and statements are irrelevant to me. Johnson is okay, but I don’t agree with how he solves

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