
Pros And Cons Of Citizenship Essay

Decent Essays

Subject to Interpretation In this essay written by George F. Will, he highlight the existing rules of American citizenship, stating that US-born children of immigrants should not be eligible for citizenship. He includes both the legal and illegal immigrants. He states that the definition of citizenship itself needs to be rectified, as it gives undue advantage to people who reside in the country and are immigrants. He states that on one hand, the Government invests a lot of time and money in tracking the illegal people and deporting them, and on the other hand, it makes their American born children enjoy all the civic welfare rights. The writer is against this concept. He is anti immigrant in his approach. He feels that the people who come to the country, diplomats or immigrants, should not be granted citizenship. He states that the immigrants in some way or the other are in fact, renouncing his loyalty or commitment towards his country and giving it up, due to the fact that he can get better prospects in the other country. …show more content…

An article of this magnitude would surely make a great impact on the national legislation; however, there are many factors, as well as supporters that need to back up such an idea. As every country does, they too would have to look into the pros and cons of imposing this rule. As well as go with the majority. Many people in fact would be for or against this concept. So it cannot be decided overnight. Going by majority and their opinion is what the intermediary step should

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