
Purpose Of Industrialization

Decent Essays

Despite having a large agricultural land, Mississippi is still one of the poorest states in America without enough food for its population. One of the reasons is that farming has been taken over by mega-corporations whose harvest is not intended to feed the local population, but instead to feed other parts of the world. The environment pays a big price for this, as these corporations do not find it important to put aside some funds to take care of it. This has caused people like Mr. Wendell Berry to speak out. In this essay, we analyze his interview with Bill Moyers and examine how this impacts us from a Christian perspective.
Mr. Wendell Berry, an 82 year old from Kentucky, is an environmentalist who dedicated his life to fight for this planet. …show more content…

The purpose of the industrialization was not primarily to replace people with technology or machines, but to assist people in their daily work. I agree with him that the industrialization has had some negative effects, however for the most part it has been a positive development. For example, in the 1920s, car manufacturers in London and Detroit employed many people to work on assembly lines. But currently, assembly lines in Shanghai and Kyoto are occupied robots and all sorts of machines. Apart from that, the industrialization has put the power to produce everything we need in the hands of a few. This is a very bad development as it destroys competition which is rather essential in a free market …show more content…

Unfortunately, politicians who are supposed to speak out for the planet and its inhabitants are sometimes paid for by corporations, who in turn benefit from the former’s inaction and silence. This has created a system where the politicians and corporations are almost inseparable and work hand in hand at the expense of our planet. As he puts it, we need people who see the problem and go right at it without waiting for the government permission or any form of official advice. Otherwise, a big part of the planet is going to be uninhabitable in the coming years. For believers, especially, this is something that God asks us to do. It is emphasized a number of times in the Bible that we are required to work and keep this earth. Not doing so would mean disrespecting our

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