
Revolutionary War Revolutionary Essay

Decent Essays

The word revolutionary means involving or causing a complete or dramatic change. The word revolutionary can be used to mean different types of changes depending on the time an event was taking place or how drastic things got compared to the ordinary daily life. An event in history that occurred that made the United States its own country was the Revolutionary War which was fought against the British. There were many different events that lead the colonies to finally want to break away from the British monarchy and it drastically changed the way of life for the colonies. The Revolutionary War was revolutionary because it led the colonies to establish a new form of ruling through government and mentally changed the way the colonials thought about certain things that they did not know they were capable to accomplish or obtain. To start off, …show more content…

The colonies have been under a Monarchy since they first settled into the new land that was foreign to them, which is now known as the United States of America. In the Monarchy they were under, the people did not have a voice in the decisions that were passed like the stamp act and the tea act which the colonies were taxed for stamps on letters, diplomas, playing cards, and many other printed materials and taxed on tea under the Tea Act. The colonies did not want to pay these taxes and wanted to have a voice in deciding in what should be going on in their colonies that were located very far away from the British empire. In a republic, the people and their elected representatives have the supreme power in how the country will run and which they have an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. The colonies want to be represented and have a voice in the decisions on taxes on their colonies because they want to have the power of determining what is allowable in their new homeland. The idea of having a republic in the colonies was revolutionary in the sense of it being a new idea that will forever shape their

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