
Should Everyone Go To College Analysis

Decent Essays

Jose Espinoza
February 18, 2016
English 1A

Society believes that a college degree is a requirement into entering the middle class. According to the essay “Should Everyone Go to College,” by Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill higher education is not a great investment for every student. In my opinion, Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill are right, college is not a good investment for every student because everyone’s circumstances are different.
This nation has always considered that by having a degree, you’ll have a better income and lifestyle. What society fears is the cost and the debt that they might go into. Both writers want to give the nation an understanding, that by obtaining a degree there's a difference in income, but there’s obstacles we must look into before choosing what university you want to enroll. In the essay there are many things I agree with. In part because when I look at universities I’d want to attend, I go by the amount is going to cost and if the environment is good. Both writers have gone beyond that point of the look and feel of the universities, they went to finding what …show more content…

My family owns a restaurant that's been in oakland since 1989, over the years the restaurant is known and has been doing well. My brother hasn't always been sure on what he wants to do in life, but he has always loved the family business. Throughout our whole lives our parents have always told us on obtaining a career and profession. My Brother this year has switched mines on going to college and has asked my parents if he can take over the family business when they retire. Which at this point they’re looking into the next two years. So why should my brother invest an average of 40k in college, when he’ll be having his own business. As for the financial teachings my mother and father have dealt with all of that since the opening of the restaurant, so he’ll be having them teach

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