
Similarities Between Us Constitution And Nevada Constitution

Decent Essays

The United States Constitution and Nevada constitution are important for the citizens of Nevada. For many, the first thought of the word constitution is often associated with the United States Constitution. The word constitution is often a document of fundamental principles according to not just the United States, but states, corporations, and organizations. The Nevada constitution is the law that governs the people of Nevada and the United States Constitution applies to all states in the union. Despite them both being constitutions, the United States Constitution and the Nevada constitution have many differences and similarities. The United States Constitution is one of the most important documents to the citizens of the United States. It is known as the supreme law of …show more content…

If there were too many differences, then the branches of government would be very chaotic because a lack of structure between the state and federal government. In the United States Constitution and Nevada constitution it outlines three structures of the government. They are both setup in the same and is broken into three different parts, The Legislature Department, The Executive Department and The Judiciary Department. In addition, both constitutions are broken up into articles and each article explains a general topic, but most important they both state in the preamble “We the People...” (THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEVADA). This quote is significant because when the constitution is brought up, it is always the document of the people and the rights of the people. So it is important that no matter what, both constitutions had this quote within them. The United States Constitution and Nevada constitution don’t have significant differences because it reduces redundancy. The government for the citizens of Nevada is ran and structured the way they are today because of these two important

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