
Social And Political Movements Of The Progressive Era

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Throughout America's history, there have been numerous social and political movements that have had a profound and lasting impact on American culture. Movements such as the Civil Rights Movement and the Women's Suffrage Movement have influenced and shaped American ideals and beliefs. These movements were typically driven by a cause. From the 1890s to the 1920s, a period of social and political reform flourished in America. This was driven by the desire to eliminate corruption in the government. People wanted to have a positive impact on society and they wanted to speak up for what they believed in. This era was a pivotal turning point in the history of the United States. This era was known as the Progressive Era. During the Progressive …show more content…

However, this issue was not being recognized on a national level. It wasn’t seen as a major issue until 1898. In 1898, there were reports in which stated that Armour & Co. supplied rotten canned beef to the U.S. Army. This occurred during the Spanish American War. Many troops became ill as a result which meant that they were unable to fight. This devastating event captured the attention of the public and brought awareness to the issue of foods being processed in unsanitary conditions. As a result of this, the Senate formed the Pure-Food Investigating Committee in 1899. This committee held hearings in which it was discovered that the processed foods were adulterated and unsafe for consumers. Amidst all of this controversy, journalists began to express their opinions in their articles. They played a major role in spreading new information to the public. Journalists criticized the work of “Beef Trust” businesses, which were a group of five large meatpacking companies. Journalists would also talk about the unsanitary conditions in which the meat was being produced and how these companies would try to avoid inspection. This helped spread awareness to this issue that was continuing to grow as each day passed by. One journalist who was widely recognized across America was Charles Edward Russell. Charles Edward Russell played a significant role in voicing his opinions and bringing light to this issue. He wrote a series of articles

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