
Sojourner Truth Speech

Decent Essays

Sojourner Truth was a slave but eventually escaped and did a lot of work helping others. After she escaped slavery, she embraced evangelical religion and became involved in moral reform and abolitionist work. As time went on, she started doing work in the civil war and gathering supplies. During the civil war, she trampled the roads, where she collected food and clothing for black regiments. She collected supplies for black regiments and immersed herself in advocating for freedpeople during the reconstruction period.

She is known for having strong and powerful speeches. Before her speeches, she would often sing antislavery hymns that she made up herself. In her speech she would talk about how she hears talk that women are going to have more rights and how the white men are going to fix everything.
Sojourner Truth had a famous speech that many people knew about …show more content…

I can work as hard as men and eat as much as men. When I cry in grief, no one hears me but Jesus. Someone then shouted that Women can’t have the same rights as men because christ wasn’t a man. I responded, well it was a women that God created first because she was the only one strong enough to carry the weight of the world.(Sojourner Truth)
Sojourner Truth is know for a lot of things. She is known for her “ain’t I a woman” speech at a women’s convention in Ohio in 1851. Sojourner Truth was uneducated but did not let that stand in her way. She never learned how to read or write but her speeches throughout the country often moved her audience to tears.Remembered for her unschooled but remarkable voice raised in support of abolitionist, the freedmen, and women’s

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