
The American Revolution And The Declaration Of Freedom From The British Crown Essay

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Even though many would deem the American Revolution and the declaration of freedom from the British crown as the most successful moment in United States history, a majority of America’s true prosperity stems from the economic boom between the 1870s and early 1900s. During this time, many aspects of the working, middle, and upper classes began to change, and the differences that existed between them started to proliferate to previously unknown standards (Carnes and Garraty, 481). However, it is believed that with the increase of economic prosperity, came an expanding interest in minorities like immigrants, children, the working class, and women. When it came to the formation of the Populist party, women’s suffrage movement, and laws increasing the education for children, the aforementioned assertion was the case. Nevertheless, not all of the interests were entirely existent, such as the American reaction to the fraudulence of the city boss system, and the restrictions on the incoming immigrants. Although there was a sense of economic flourishment, there were still many problems that economic minorities, as well as other marginalized groups, faced during the late 19th century. Despite these problems, there was an increase in efforts on both political and social platforms to recognize their problems. A prime example of this was the Populist party, which was formed in light of the economic depression that put farmers both in the South and West in a struggling, economic minority

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