
The Between India And The United States

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There has been much publicity about the lives of women in India and how they are regarded. I would like to explore this topic in order to clarify and organize the abundance of information that has been in the media and in publications. I will focus this this topic comparing two countries, India and the US. Both are democratic countries and both have some forms of inequality. I will start by giving background information about both of the country’s political and cultural systems when relevant and the inequalities. This will produce the answer to which of the two states has made more improvements in the area, my dependent variable. Then I will go on to the bulk of the research in explaining the causes of the improvements or lack thereof which will be which will be the independent variables.
Though ancient India wasn’t necessarily or labeled a Theocracy, it certainly acted as one based upon the ideals of Hinduism and later converted into the largest Democracy in the world, whereas, the United States always acted as Democratic country. This difference is a contributing factor to inequality of men and women. Through a detailed analysis of Hinduism and how it is politically affecting the economy, it is important to understand firstly that Hinduism sees women as less than men and always has.
My hypothesis is that India has much more gender inequality and exploitation than the US and that the main reason for this inequality in India is culture and tradition. The

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