
The Definition Of Public Relations Essay

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Deconstructing the PRINZ definition of Public Relations
Public Relations in New Zealand is widely useful, practised and builds up an organisation’s relationships with its publics. PR in short, is essentially about communication and relationship building. PRINZ [Public Relations Institute of New Zealand] (2009) defines PR as “The deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics.” This essay will deconstruct and critically examine this definition of public relations in relation to PR theories. These theories being Systems Theory, Relationship Management and Excellence Theory will be examined and applied to campaign examples. This will give a comprehensive understanding of the theory’s meanings as well as relationships with aspects of the PRINZ definition of PR. To understand PR theories however, the term publics must first be addressed.
Gordon (2011) describes publics as potential or actual audiences connected to various messages. (Rawlins, 2006) furthers this statement by stating that publics “…can be employees, shareholders, political leaders, consumers, etc.” and “…are often segmented even further by demographics, geographics, or psychographics.” (p.133). Grunig and Repper (1992) expand on this saying publics are self formed and identify organisations for attention, essentially meaning publics are groups of people linked by a common interest or problem. PR practitioners according to (Gordon,

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