
Gun Control Pros And Cons Essay

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“The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control.” The Odyssey Online, 28 Aug. 2017, This article stood out to me as the author of this article does not have a strong stance in any of the side regarding gun control. However, it has convincing content of gun control in both side of the argument. I plan to use this article’s points in relation to the cons of gun control, and express it to my audience. Nonetheless, I plan to revoke every appeal the other side of argument holds for gun control. “Guns in the US: The Statistics behind the Violence.” BBC News, BBC, 5 Jan. 2016, This article is great instance why gun control laws needs to be more strict. The article offers concrete evidence as to how deadly guns are to the nation. I plan to use this article to inform my audience the dangers of gun violence with the statistics and attempt to reach out the audience’s sentiment with the numbers of death that were caused by gun violence. Burke, David Edward. “Why The Arguments Against Gun Control Are Wrong.” The Huffington Post,, 5 Oct. 2017, This article offers numerous amount of convincing counter arguments as to why arguments against gun control are wrong. Moreover, the article offers the advice of experts regarding gun control specifically why people are the problem and

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