
The Revolution Of The Cuban Revolution

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Art in Cuba was drastically affected from nineteen fifty to nineteen sixty and changed in the years that followed because of the Cuban revolution. The oxford dictionary defines art as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power, as well as the branches of creativity, such as painting, music, and dance. Art and its many different forms were heavily influenced by the Cuban Revolution. Artists find inspirations for their works from a number of different resources. Inspiration can be found from a simple conversation that sparks and idea to portraying a grave passion. In the case of the revolution, artists used their art as a way to voice their views. This is why many writers, journalists, and academic people were exiled during this time.
To clarify, the Cuban Revolution, which began in July 1953, was a rebellion led by Fidel Castro and his allies to overthrow Fulgencio Batista. It triumphed six years later on the first of January 1959, when Batista was forced out of power by rebels. In the beginning, the Revolution and Castro had tremendous support from almost all of Cuba as well as enthusiasm from others worldwide who viewed the Revolution as an anti-imperialist movement. The Cuban Revolution brought a great deal of attention to Latin America. Mass media now allowed the world to be connected and aware of what was

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