
Thinking Through the Past, Ch. 4 Essay

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The American Revolutionary war began in-part because of economic struggles England faced after securing safety for it’s colonies during the Seven Years War. England needed to increase their taxation on the colonists after the war to pay off its war debts. Prior to these taxes, the colonies were wholly content while under the wing of the British Empire. Not only because the protection the British provided, but also because of their deep reverence for the Motherland. Colonists were angered by with Parliament due to their lack of acknowledgement towards colonists rights and opinions. Colonists stood together in a defiant motion towards liberation from England’s tyrannous acts of lawless duplicity. Before British government was able to fully …show more content…

The Stamp Act Crisis in Boston, Massachusetts quickly became a centralized location for further detest to the British law. Colonists fought against the stamp act with fury and anger. Nash adds to the compelling reality that dregs had little or nothing to lose compared to the Elite colonists in the fight with Governor Thomas Hutchinson and brother-in-law Andrew Oliver, both were sent by Britain to restore order and invoke the laws. The common worker had their hands in on the destruction of Hutchinson and Oliver’s property during one of their mob riots as mentioned in source three.. Ebenezer MacIntosh was viewed as “The principal leader of the mob,”(63) but by no means were these acts set in play by anyone other than British Parliament’s forges for rapid wealth.The common people brought Parliament’s ability to tax to a screeching halt. Gary Nash also brought forth the objections of two groups that were under the subjection of colonial mistreatment. Native Americans and Slaves acted in attempts to liberate themselves throughout the American Revolution. Though their enemy was not the British, but rather the colonists that exploited them. Native Americans and African slaves were also directly involved in the Revolutionary War by aiding the British in attempts to dominate colonists. Nash concludes that these two forces alone were not only capable of making

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