
Using Artificial Methods Or Other Methods For Preventing Pregnancy As A Consequence Of Sexual Intercourse Become Norm?

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The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse become norm in 21st century, though in 20th century American society, it was debatable. In New York in 1920, a debate about birth control took place between Margaret Sanger and Winter Russel. They argued on the following issue “Resolved, that the spreading of birth control knowledge is injurious to the welfare of humanity.” Even though, the main core of the debate was about the spreading of birth control knowlage, both debaters argued and focused in their values. Mr. Russel a New York attorney argued from Christian point of view and Mrs. Sanger argued more from scientific and logical point of view. When Mrs. Sanger launched her campaign about birth control, she found herself in big trouble. She said “In August, 1914, a Federal Grand Jury returned three indictments against me, based on articles in the March, May and July issues of The Woman Rebel. The articles branded as "obscene" merely discussed the question and contained no information how to prevent conception. But the authorities were anxious to forestall the distribution of this knowledge.”. In this particular debate She argued not having large family can help women to be a productive citzens and it can prevent health risks that came with repeated pregnancy. In other hand her opponent belived giving birth control to a women is against law of nature, it is a race-suicide and not telling people about

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