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C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.

Paul Lindau (1839–1919)

Lindau, Paul (lin’dou). A German novelist and literary critic; born at Magdeburg, June 3, 1839; died in 1919. He wrote books of travel, including ‘From Venice’ (1864); ‘From Paris’; works of literary criticism, as ‘Harmless Letters of a Provincial German’ (2 vols., 1870); ‘Literary Trivialities’ (1871); ‘Molière’ (1872); ‘Alfred de Musset’ (1877); ‘From Literary France’ (1880); and novels,—‘Mr. and Mrs. Bewer’ (1882); ‘Berlin’; ‘The Brothers’ (1895); ‘The King of Sidon’ (1898); besides the dramas ‘Maria and Magdalena’; ‘Aunt Theresa’ (1876); ‘The Evening’ (1896); ‘The Man of the House’ (1899).