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C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.

Teofil Lenartowicz (1822–1893)

Lenartowicz, Teofil (len-art’ō-vēch). A Polish poet; born at Warsaw, Feb. 27, 1822; died at Florence, Feb. 3, 1893. His popular ballads and songs, ‘Lirenka’ (1855), are reckoned among the choicest pearls of the national poetry. The most noteworthy of his longer poems are: ‘The Polish Land’ (1848); ‘The Gladiators’ (1857); and the ‘Italian Album’ (1870). He wrote in Italian ‘On the Character of Polono-Slavic Poetry’ (1886).