A hydrogen gas discharge lamp is used as a coherent light source illuminating N� slits in a barrier with a slit separation of 27 μm�m. The interference pattern is projected on a screen 2.00 m from the barrier. The first-order principal maxima to one side of the central maximum are shown in this image. The number of slits is sufficiently large that the individual lines are sharp and widely separated. Note that there are four different colors appearing in the source. λ=656�=656 nm (red) λ=486�=486 nm (cyan) λ=434�=434 nm (blue-violet) λ=410�=410 nm (violet) The blue-violet line is thin and somewhat faint, and it may be difficult to see without enlarging the figure. When viewing multiple orders of the interference pattern, the color sequence may change due to the interleaving of the different orders. a) What is the color of the line closest to the central maximum?  b) Using the values given in the problem statement, what is the distance along the screen, in centimeters, from the the central maximum to the first line?  (c)  What is the color of the eighth line from the central maximum?  (d)  Using the values given in the problem statement, what is the distance along the screen, in centimeters, from the the central maximum to the eighth line?  (e)  What is the order, m�, of the eighth line from the central maximum?  (f)  What is the color of the ninth line from the central maximum?  (g)  Using the values given in the problem statement, what is the distance along the screen, in centimeters, from the the central maximum to the ninth line?  (h)  What is the order, m�, of the ninth line from the central maximum?  (i)  What is the distance, ΔyΔ�, in centimeters, between the ninth and tenth lines from the central maximum?

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A hydrogen gas discharge lamp is used as a coherent light source illuminating N� slits in a barrier with a slit separation of 27 μm�m. The interference pattern is projected on a screen 2.00 m from the barrier. The first-order principal maxima to one side of the central maximum are shown in this image.

The number of slits is sufficiently large that the individual lines are sharp and widely separated. Note that there are four different colors appearing in the source.

  • λ=656�=656 nm (red)
  • λ=486�=486 nm (cyan)
  • λ=434�=434 nm (blue-violet)
  • λ=410�=410 nm (violet)

The blue-violet line is thin and somewhat faint, and it may be difficult to see without enlarging the figure. When viewing multiple orders of the interference pattern, the color sequence may change due to the interleaving of the different orders.

a) What is the color of the line closest to the central maximum? 

b) Using the values given in the problem statement, what is the distance along the screen, in centimeters, from the the central maximum to the first line? 

(c)  What is the color of the eighth line from the central maximum? 

(d)  Using the values given in the problem statement, what is the distance along the screen, in centimeters, from the the central maximum to the eighth line? 

(e)  What is the order, m�, of the eighth line from the central maximum? 

(f)  What is the color of the ninth line from the central maximum? 

(g)  Using the values given in the problem statement, what is the distance along the screen, in centimeters, from the the central maximum to the ninth line? 

(h)  What is the order, m�, of the ninth line from the central maximum? 

(i)  What is the distance, ΔyΔ�, in centimeters, between the ninth and tenth lines from the central maximum?