
Relationship Between The UV Index And Equatics

Decent Essays

1: Describe the relationship between the UV Index (the colored bar in Figure 1) and latitude (y-axis).
The UV rays become less intense as you travel North or South of the equator. So, the further away from the midrange of the Earth’s latitude the less intense the UV rays.
2. How do you explain the relationship between the UV Index and latitude? (In other words, why does UV intensity change with latitude?)
More sunlight reaches the equator of the planet causing a correlation between UV intensity and latitude.
3. Find your approximate location on the map. What is the primary UV Index value of your state on this day in September?
I live in the Midwest, more specially Minnesota, so on the UV Index I would be in about the 5 or 6 range.
4. Look at the regions that receive the most-intense UV (light pink). Site a specific piece of evidence from the map that a factor other than latitude was contributing to UV intensity on this day.
Altitude increases UV radiation for example one of the pink areas is on top of the Anders Mountains in South American.
5. In the film, Dr. Jablonski explains that melanin, located in the top layer of human skin, absorbs UV radiation, protecting cells from the damaging effects of UV. Genetics determines the type of melanin (i.e., brown/black eumelanin or red/brown pheomelanin) and the amount of melanin present in an individual’s cells. Based on this information, write a hypothesis for where in the world you would expect to find human populations with

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