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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 141 John Bartlett

Groans of the dying, 489.
sovereign of sighs and, 55.
thy old, ring yet in my ears, 106.
Groaning ever for the past, 712.
Grog-shop appears, wild-blazing, 591.
Groined the aisles of Christian Rome, 614.
Gromboolian plain, over the great, 703.
Grooves of change, ringing, 669.
Grose, his name was, 559.
Gross and scope of my opinion, 126.
ear can hear, things that no, 245.
hard-seeming world, this, 682.
Grossness and slag, amid measureless, 742.
by losing all its, 410.
Grot, ferned, 777.
Ground, acre of barren, 42.
another man’s, 45.
as water spilt on the, 1007.
call it holy, 570.
every vice on Christian, 332.
fathom-line could never touch, 84.
gasping its life out on, 788.
gently kissed the, 343.
haunted holy, 541.
herbe that growes on, 28.
I live a burden to the, 340.
leaf falls upon the, 865.
least willing to quit the, 432.
let us sit upon the, 82.
low sitting on the, 28.
my tail go to the, 10.
no slave to till my, 418.
not upon dreams, 172.
of expediency, 840.
of nature, solid, 485.
purple all the, 247.
seem to tread on classic, 299.
temple and tower went to the, 252.
who might well be under, 801.
with deeper, dulness intuitive, 729.
withering on the, 338.
Grounded on just and right, 238.
Groundlings, ears of the, 137.
Group of wise hearts better than, 747.
Grove, an organ breathes in every, 595.
his name was printed, 559.
nightingale’s song in the, 428.
of Academe, the olive, 241.
of myrtles, 175.
Groves are of laurel and myrtle, 989.
fountain heads and pathless, 184.
frequenting sacred, 221.
God’s first temples, 573.
shadowy, 821.
Grow dim with age, the sun, 299.
dim with rust, brightest blades, 691.
double, surely you’ll, 466.
dreams, holy put in action, 761.
greener still, the fields, 750.
in the poor man’s garden, 630.
learning wiser, 422.
mouldy, world would, 684.
old, always find time to, 312.
to what they seem, 395.
wiser and better, 858.
Grows, land where the bong-tree, 703.
less gay, laugh of pleasure, 608.
no herb of help, 807.
old and fat, 84.
with his growth, 317.
work, fair through dreaming, 761.
Growed, I ’spect I, 700.
Growing fonder of my staff, I’m, 719.
old, the world is, 718.
old, yes I’m, 719.
sorrow of each day’s, 789.
sweet golden goblet found, 635.
when ye ’re sleeping, 495.
Grown by what it fed on, 128.
saw how souls of men had, 788.
so great, he is, 110.
weary of the garish day, eyes, 764.
Grownd, herbe that growes on, 28.
Growth, a thornless, 776.
children of a larger, 275.
confidence a plant of slow, 364.
is the only evidence of life, 607.
man is the nobler, 433.
man seems the only, 394.
of confidence, however gradual the, 625.
of mother earth, 468.
Grub, joiner squirrel or old, 104.
Grudge, feed fat the ancient, 61.
the throe, never, 710.
Grumble and roar, terrible rumble, 751.
Grundy say, what will Mrs., 457.
Grunt and sweat, 136.
Guarantee for being right, slender, 693.
Guard dies never surrenders, 1002.
me with a watchful eye, 300.
our native seas, 514.
our spoons, from whom we, 605.
so grimly held thy, 749.
thy bed, holy angels, 302.
Guardian angel o’er his life, 455.
angels sung the strain, 358.
on the tower, the, 725.
Guardians of the fair, eunuchs, 310.
Gude nicht and joy be wi’ you, 458.
time coming, 493.
Gudeman’s awa’, when our, 427.
Gudgeon, this fool, 60.
Gudgeons, to swallow, 214.
Guerdon, love seeks a, 847.
the fair, 247.
Guess is morning-star, the golden, 682.
their glory, I can not, 842.
Guesseth but in part, he, 503.
Guest, keen, fits a dull fighter, 87.
like an unwelcome, 815.
or captive I, whether, 841.
speed the going, 328.
speed the parting, 328, 346.
the soul the body’s, 25.
Guests in the depths of hell, 1017.
of state, 775.
Guid to be honest and true, 450.
to be merry and wise, 450.
Guide in smoke and flame, 493.
mine equal my, 1012.