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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 166 John Bartlett

Imposes an oath, he that, 214.
Imposition of a mightier hand, 600.
Impossibility, metaphysical, 58.
Impossible, because it is, 942.
few things, to diligence, 368.
for a man to be cheated, 618.
not, though hard to master, 939.
nothing is, 11.
she, that not, 258.
solution, 802.
that is not physically, 441.
to be soiled, truth is, 253.
to please all the world, 983.
what’s, can’t be, 454.
whoso loves believes the, 659.
Impotence of woe, raging, 341.
Impotent conclusion, 151.
Impregns the clouds, when Jupiter, 233.
Imprisoned in the viewless winds, 48.
wranglers, set free the, 420.
Imprisonment, penury and, 49.
Improbable fiction, condemn it as, 76.
Improve each moment, 366.
each shining hour, 302.
the world, worst way to, 721.
Impulse from a vernal wood, one, 466.
quench appetite check, 941.
slave of circumstance and, 554.
to a wordless prayer, 819.
Impunity, ravage with, 703.
In God is our trust, 517.
pace ut sapiens, 425.
Inaccessible vine of song, 808.
Inaction disciplined, 457.
Inactivity, masterly, 457.
Inanimate grieves, if aught, 543.
things, total depravity of, 809.
Inattention, patient, 772.
Inaudible foot of time, 74.
Incalculable up-and-down of time, 818.
Incapable of a tune, 509.
of relishing wit, 389.
of stain, 226.
Incarnadine, multitudinous seas, 120.
Incarnate I told you so, seemed the, 646.
Incarnation of fat dividends, 564.
Incense, gods themselves throw, 148.
of the heart, 362, 538.
Incense-breathing morn, 384.
Incensed, odours most fragrant when, 165.
with indignation, 229.
Incessantly, stand on your head, 781.
wash this soiled world, 744.
Inch, every, a king, 148.
every cubic, of space a miracle, 744.
every, that is not fool, 269.
give an, he’ll take an ell, 20.
I’ll not budge an, 72.
I will not retreat a single, 633.
of joy, one, 956.
of land, I do not own an, 765.
thick, let her paint an, 144.
to gain, seem here no painful, 727.
Inches, die by, 283.
Incidis in Scyllam, 64.
Inclination gets the better of judgment, 884.
leads, read as, 371.
snatches arguments, 729.
Inclined, lest I be, 794.
to embrace me she, 252.
Income at its heels, 415.
tears, her, 204.
twenty pounds, annual, 701.
Incomparable oil Macassar, 555.
Incompleteness, greatness flowed around our, 657.
Inconsiderable sum, 778.
Inconsistencies in principle, 816.
of opinions, 533.
Inconsistent man, 307.
series of arguments to malign, 626.
Inconsolable to the minuet, 441.
Inconstant moon, 106.
Increase, God gave the, 1037.
of appetite grew by what it fed on, 128.
to her truth, time brings, 378.
Incredulity, knowledge lost by, 910.
Ind, wealth of Ormus and of, 226.
Indebted and discharged at once, 231.
to his memory, 443.
Indemnity for the past, 364.
Independence be our boast, let, 465.
let me share, thy spirit, 392.
now and forever, 531.
secure the, through which, 581.
Indescribable charm, 814.
Indestructible, love is, 508.
states, union of, 652.
Index, dab at an, 403.
of a mind, the marble, 475.
thunders in the, 140.
Index-learning, 331.
India’s coral strand, 536.
Indian, like the base, 156.
lo the poor, 315.
steep, on the, 243.
Indictment against a whole people, 408.
Indies, wealth of the, 373.
Indifference, cold, 301.
full of sweet, 816.
moral, 995.
to the concerns of man, 889.
Indifferent honest, I am myself, 136.
Indifferently, we have reformed that, 137.
Indignation and abhorrence, repudiate with, 625.
incensed with, 229.
Indiscretion, a lover without, 816.
Indispensable, so-called comforts not, 722.
Indistinct as water in water, 158.
Individual, I announce the great, 745.
Individualities may form communities, 625.
Indocti discant et ament, 325.
Indolent vacuity of thought, 420.
Indomitable sea, 844.
Indubitable manifestation of the Divinity, 996.