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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 262 John Bartlett

Procupine, upon the fretful, 131.
Pore benighted ’eathen, 851.
Porpentine, upon the fretful, 131.
Porpoise, fat as a, 293.
Porridge, breath to cool your, 959, 975.
nose into other men’s, 973.
Port, and hawser’s tie no more, to, 745.
as meke as is a mayde, his, 1.
beyond the surge, thou hast thy, 802.
for men, 374.
is near the bells I hear, 744.
of all men’s labours, 170.
pride in their, 395.
to imperial Tokay, 380.
Ports, all up battle lanterns lit, 739.
and happy havens, 80.
Portal we call death, whose, 642.
Portals of gold, unfolding those, 587.
that lead to an enchanted land, 798.
who to thy sacred, come, 798.
Portance in my travels’ history, 150.
Portents of impending doom, 613.
Portion, he wales a, 447.
in this life, my, 253.
of my early gleam, 767.
of that around me, I become, 543.
of uncertain paper, certain, 556.
that best, of a good man’s life, 467.
Portions of eternity, 731.
of the soul of man, 731.
Portius, thy steady temper, 297.
Posies, thousand fragrant, 41.
Positive truth, this I set down as, 698.
Positivists, truth be sought with, 765.
Possess a poet’s brain, 40.
but one idea, he seems to, 371.
God, to, 994.
opinions and a will, men who, 730.
to see to feel and to, 541.
Possessed but not enjoyed, 342.
by their money, 188.
first I have, 549.
with inward light, 503.
Possessing all things, 501.
too dear for my, 162.
Possession, bliss in, 496.
fie on, 4.
is eleven points in the law, 296.
man’s best, 884.
object in, 934.
of a day, the poor, 339.
of eternal things, 855.
would not show, virtue that, 53.
Possest, less pleasing when, 381.
that once my soul, 794.
Possibilities, a world of startling, 826.
pounds and, 45.
Possibility, a man without passion, 995.
Possible and proper, things, 939.
worlds, best of, 987.
Post, evil news rides, 242.
o’er land and ocean, 252.
of honour is a private station, 298, 349.
Posteriors of this day, 56.
Posterity, contemporaneous, 361.
done for us, what has, 439.
gentlemen who reach, 625.
intimately known to, 601.
is a most limited assembly, 625.
look forward to, 409.
obligation to, 439.
think of your, 458, 933.
to imitate, 874.
we are a kind of, 361.
what, will say, 361.
youth of nation trustees of, 628.
Postern of a needle’s eye, 82.
Posting winds, rides on the, 160.
Posy of a ring, prologue or the, 138.
Pot, boil like a, 1010.
calls the kettle black, 977.
death in the, 1008.
of ale and safety, 91.
thorns under a, 1022.
three-hooped, 94.
with a cot in a park, 822.
Pots of ale, size of, 210.
Potations, banish strong, 432.
pottle-deep, 152.
Potent grave and reverend signiors, 149.
over sun and star, 482.
to coerce and to, so, 682.
Potentiality of growing rich, 374.
Potomac, all quiet along the, 766.
Pottage, breath to cool his, 924.
Potter is jealous of potter, 879.
power over the clay, 1036.
Potter’s clay, if we are only as the, 691.
Pottle-deep, potations, 152.
Pouch, tester I ’ll have in, 45.
Poultice comes, silence like a, 688.
Pouncet-box ’twixt his finger, 83.
Pound foolish penny wise, 186.
Pounds, annual income twenty, 701.
rich with forty, 396.
seven hundred, and possibilities, 45.
six hundred, a year, 289.
take care of themselves, 352.
three hundredth, a year, 46.
two hundred, a year, 215.
Pour forth the cheering wine, 610.
Pout, in vain I scowl and, 720.
Pouter tumbler and fantail are from, 605.
Poverty come, so shall thy, 1017.
depressed, worth by, 366.
distressed by, 367.
from affluence to, 796.
I pay thy, not thy will, 108.
nor riches, give me neither, 1021.
not my will consents, 108.
penny in the urn of, 598.
rustic life and, 514.
steeped me in, 155.
stood smiling, 346.
the destruction of the poor, 1017.
Powder, food for, 87.
keep your, dry, 598.
Powdered with stars, 236.