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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 303 John Bartlett

Silver-white lady-smocks, 56.
Silvery round moon beautiful over, 743.
Simile that solitary shines, 329.
Similes, I sit and play with, 473.
Similitudes, used, 1027.
Simon Pure, real, 859.
the cellarer, 868.
Simple child, a, 466.
either, or gentle from vanity fair, 750.
faith in mysteries, nor lose thy, 647.
faith, plain and, 114.
in ears of gentle and, 750.
life, oh for the, 848.
men’s men gentle or, 730.
modest manly true, to be, 738.
nakedness, white truth in, 678.
race of brutes, O great and, 680.
wiles, transient sorrows, 474.
words enough, his words were, 732.
Simples, compounded of many, 70.
Simpleness and duty, 59.
Simplicity a child, in, 335.
a grace that makes, 178.
elegant as, 414.
he lived in noble, 571.
in his, sublime, 671.
Jeffersonian, 795.
of character, 812.
of the three per cents, 437.
perfect, 772.
resigns her charge to, 231.
simple truth miscalled, 162.
Simplify, to, my way of life, 581.
Simulated stature face and speech, 659.
Simulation of the painted scene, 659.
Sin, a duty not a, 359.
and death abound, where, 497.
and guilt, each thing of, 245.
angels fell by that, 100.
Christ-like is it for, to grieve, 979.
could blight, ere, 500.
cunning, can cover itself, 52.
darkness is strong, and so is, 738.
dulled their eyes with, 834.
falter not for, 686.
folly and, 779.
folly can glide into, 492.
fools make a mock at, 1018.
for me to sit and grin, 688.
forgiven-by Christ in heaven, the, 723.
God-like to leave, 979.
has many tools, 692.
his darling, 501.
his favourite, is pride, 507.
in the blossoms of my, 132.
man-like to fall into, 979.
men, without intending it, 937.
no, for a man to labour, 83.
not, be ye angry and, 1039.
nothing emboldens, as mercy, 109.
of self-neglecting, 91.
quantum o’ the, I waive the, 448.
sad as angels for the good man’s, 513.
self-love is not so vile a, 91.
Sin shall be no more, when, 717.
slander the foulest whelp of, 598.
some rise by, 47.
they, who tell us love can die, 508.
thinking their own kisses, 108.
to covet honour, if it be a, 92.
to falter would be, 717.
wages of, is death, 1036.
world’s as ugly ay as, 751.
Sins, compound for, 211.
multitude of, 1041.
of the fathers, 885.
oldest, the newest kind of ways, 90.
our compelled, 48.
remembered in thy orisons, 136.
Sinais climb and know it not, 734.
Sinament and ginger, 869.
Since first beneath the chestnut, 653.
the conquest, ever, 279.
the creation of the world no tyrant, 634.
what unnumbered year, 749.
when was genius found, 659.
which I have loved long, 607.
Sincerity, bashful, 52.
of mirth, there’s small, 585.
wrought in a sad, 614.
Sinews bought and sold, 418.
of the new-born babe, 139.
of the soul, 222.
of virtue, 208.
of war, 1002.
stiffen the, 91.
Sing again with your dear voice, 567.
alas for those that never, 689.
and die, let me, 558.
and play, wouldst have me, 525.
and that they love, 220.
as Martin Luther sang, 697.
because I must, I do but, 674.
eagle suffers little birds to, 104.
for joy, widow’s heart to, 1009.
he knew himself to, 246.
heavenly goddess, 336.
I am saddest when I, 787.
I can’t, as a singist, 787.
I’m saddest when I, 589.
in a hempen string, 184.
it to rest, I cannot, 733.
strange that death should, 80.
sweetly, and brightly smile, 563.
the hymn of the conquered, I, 745.
the old songs, 778.
the same tune, to, 915.
the song, others shall, 651.
though I shall never hear thee, 563.
which now the angels, 695.
Sings, as the poet, 809.
from the organ-pipe of frailty, 80.
I held it truth with him who, 673.
it, Handel, 620.
like an angel, 65.
the lark at heaven’s gate, 159.
you know what Virgil, 684.
Singe yourself, so hot that it, 98.
Singed the Spanish king’s beard, 643.
Singer, idle, of an empty day, 789.
with the crown of snow, 738.