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John Bartlett (1820–1905). Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. 1919.

Conordane Index Page 361 John Bartlett

Unjust peace before a just war, 361.
to nature and himself, 307.
Unkind as man’s ingratitude, 70.
when givers prove, 136.
Unkindest cut of all, the most, 113.
Unkindness, I tax not you with, 146.
Unknelled uncoffined, 547.
Unknowing what he sought, 273.
Unknown and like esteemed, 245.
and silent shore, 509.
argues yourselves, 234.
forms of things, 59.
it is good to love the, 509.
lands, to carry me to, 811.
power’s employ, in some, 753.
she lived, 469.
thus let me live, unseen, 334.
to fortune and to fame, 386.
too early seen, 105.
Unlamented let me die, 334.
Unlearn not what you have learned, 949.
Unlearned, amaze the, 324.
men of books, 310.
their wants may view, 325.
Unless above himself he can erect himself, 39.
it conquer us, pain no evil, 728.
Unlessoned girl unschooled, 64.
Unlettered small-knowing soul, 54.
Unlineal hand, with an, 121.
Unlooked for, she comes, 333.
Unmannerly untaught knaves, 57.
Unmarried members of the crew, 799.
primroses die, 77.
Unmask her beauty to the moon, 129.
Unmated creature tired, the sea, 717.
Unmeasured by flight of years, 497.
height, 790.
Unmerciful disaster, 656.
Unmingling, where each flows on, 761.
Unmoving finger, his slow, 155.
Unmusical to the Volscians’ ears, 103.
Unnatural, nothing is, 441.
Unnumbered woes, 336.
year, since what, 749.
years, that shall live for, 726.
Unpack my heart with words, 135.
Unpaid-for silk, rustling in, 159.
Unparticular man, 816.
Unpathed waters undreamed shores, 78.
Unperceived decay, melts in, 365.
shade softening in shade, 357.
the stars steal, 823.
Unpitied sacrifice, 408.
unrespited, unreprieved, 227.
Unpleasant body, moist, 701.
people, leaving, 556.
Unpleasantest words, 64.
Unpleasing sharps, 108.
Unpolluted flesh, fair and, 144.
Unpractised unschooled, 64.
Unpremeditated verse, 238.
Unpresumptuous eye, 421.
Unprofitable, fretful stir, 467.
stale flat and, 128.
Unprofitably burns, our oil, 415.
Unpronounceable awful names, 813.
Unpurchased hand, with, 689.
Unquestioned text we read, one, 691.
Unread, walks among his peers, 749.
Unreal mockery hence, 122.
Unreclaimed blood, 133.
Unredressed, wrongs, 480.
Unreflected light, 606.
Unrelenting foe to love, 358.
hate, Juno’s, 274.
Unremembered acts, 467.
Unreplying dead, 784.
Unrespited unpitied unreprieved, 227.
Unrest or noyance, 357.
Unresting sea, life’s, 690.
Unreturning brave, 543.
Unrighteous judgment, our works find, 807.
man his thoughts, 1026.
Unripened beauties, 298.
Unruly evil, tongue is an, 1041.
member, 1041.
Unschooled unpractised, 64.
Unseasonable, the insupportable is, 928.
Unseduced by the prize that the world, 746.
Unseen, born to blush, 385.
walk the earth, 234.
Unselfish love, look on with, 809.
Unsettle you, don’t let that, 800.
Unshamed iconoclast, what if some, 788.
Unsighed for past, 482.
Unskilful laugh, make the, 137.
Unsought be won, 237.
is better, love given, 76.
Unsoundness, without a certain, of mind, 600.
Unspeakable and dread, O majesty, 717.
the, Turk, 585.
Unspoken, what to leave, 168.
Unspotted life is old age, 1028.
lily, a most, 101.
Unstable as water, 1005.
fortune is, 952.
Unstained and free from scars, arms, 725.
Unsuccessful or successful war, 418.
Unsung, unwept unhonoured, 488.
Unsunned heaps of treasure, 244.
snow, chaste as, 159.
Unsuspected, dying well-beloved, Hermes, 742.
isle in the far seas, 705.
Unswerving, ’t is onwards, 716.
Untainted, heart, 94.
Untaught knaves, he called them, 83.
Unthinking idle wild, 864.
time, quaffing and, 272.
Unthought-like thoughts that are souls, 655.
Until she smiled on me, 586.
Untimely death, 335.
frost, death’s, 450.
grave, 200, 1043.
graves, emblems of, 420.