
Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.

Index Guide

answerable agreeing 23 liable 177 bail 806 duty 926 censurable 392 ant 366, 690 Antæus strength 159 size 192 antagonism difference 14 physical 179 voluntary 708 enmity 889 antagonist 710 antagonistic 24 antaphrodisiac 866 antarctic 237, 383 ante 621 expend 809 – up 809 antecedence in order 62 in time 116 antecedent 64 antechamber 191 antedate 115 antediluvian 124 antelope 274, 360 antemundane 124 antenna 379 antepast 510 anteposition 62 anterior in order 62 in time 116 in place 234 – to reason 477 anteroom 191 antevert 706 anthelion 423 anthelmintic 662 anthem 990 anthemion 847 antherozoid 357 anthology writing 590 book 593 collection 596 poem 597 store 636 anthracite 388 anthrax 655 anthropod 193 anthropogeny 372 anthropoid 372 anthropology zoölogy 368 mankind 372 anthropomancy 511 anthropomorphism 984 anthropophagus 913 anthroposcopy 511 anthroposophy 372 anthropotomy 372 antic 840 antichristian heterodox 984 irreligious 989 antichronism 115 anticipant 120 anticipate anachronism 115 priority 116 future 121 early 132 expect 507 foresee 510 prepare 673 hope 858 caution 864 anticipation 120 [see anticipate] anticlimax decrease 36 bathos 497, 853 anticlinal 217 anticyclone 265 antidote 662 antigropelos 225 antifebrile 662 antilogarithm 84 antilogy 477 antiluetic 662 antimacassar 223 antimony 663 Antinomian 984 antinomy 964 Antinous 845 antiorgastic 174 antiparallel 217 antipathy contrariety 14 dislike 867 hate 898 antiphon music 415 answer 462 worship 990 antiphonal 462 antiphrasis 563 antipodes difference 14 distance 196 contraposition 237 antipoison 662 antiquary past times 122 scholar 492 historian 553 antiquated aged 128 (out of fashion 851) antique 124 antiquity 122 antiscriptural 984 antiseptic 662 antisocial 911 antispasmodic 174, 662 antispast 597 antistrophe 597 antithesis contrast 14 difference 15 contraposition 237 style 577 antithesize 14 antitype 22 antler 253 antonomasia metaphor 521 nomenclature 564 antrum 252 anvil conversion 144 support 215 on the – intended 620 in hand 625, 730 preparing 673 anxiety solicitude 459 pain 828 fear 860 desire 865 anxious [see anxiety] – bench 1000 – expectation 507 – meeting 1000 – seat 1000 any some 25 part 51 no choice 609a at – rate certain 474 true 494 at all hazards 604 anybody 78 anyhow careless 460 in some way 627 aorist 109, 119 aorta 350 apace early 132 swift 274 Apache 913 apache assassin 361 aparejo 215 apart irrelative 10 separate 44 singleness 87 soliloquy 589 set – 636 wide – 196 apartment 191 – house 189 -s to let imbecile 450a, 499 apathetic 275 apathy incuriosity 456 insensibility 823 irreligion 989 ape monkey 366 imitate 19 aperient 652, 662 apéritif 394 aperture 260 apery 19 apex height 206 summit 210 aphelion 196 aphid 366, 659 Aphis 659 aphonic 403, 581 aphonia 581 aphorism 496 aphrodisia 173, 961 aphrodisiac 865 Aphrodite 845 apiarism 370 apiarist 370 apiary 370 apical 210 apiculate 253 apiculture 370 apiece 79 apish 19, 499 apishamore 223 aplomb stability 150 verticality 212 self-possession 498 resolution 604 Apocalypse 985 Apocrypha 985 apocryphal uncertain 475 erroneous 495 heterodox 984 apodeictic 478 apodeixis 478 apodosis 67 apograph 21 apolaustic 377 Apollo sun 318 music 416 luminary 423 beauty 845 – Musagetes 416 magnus – sage 500 adviser 695 apologue metaphor 521 teaching 537 description 594 apology substitution 147 excuse 617 vindication 937 penitence 950 atonement 952 apophthegm 496 apophysis 250 apoplexy 158 aporia 475 apostasy recantation 607 dishonor 940 heterodoxy 984 impiety 988 apostate convert 144 turncoat 607 seceder 742 heretic 984 (recreant 941) apostatize 607 apostle teacher 540 disciple 541 inspired 985 -’s creed 983a apostolic 985 – church 983a – see 995 apostrophe typography 550 address 586 soliloquy 589 appeal 765 apostrophize 765 apothecary 662 -’s weight 319 apothegm 496 apotheosis resuscitation 163 heaven 981 hero worship 991 apozem liquefy 335 fuse 384