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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.

Sir Richard Steele

Contrary as light and darkness.

Crackled like charcoal at the flirt of a fan.

Difficult as to distinguish colors in the darkness.

Impassive as an angel.

Irreparable as taking away life.

Knowledge of books is like that sort of lantern which hides him who carries it, and serves only to pass through secret and gloomy paths of its own; but in the possession of a man of business, it is as a torch in the hand of one who is willing and able to show those who are bewildered, the way which leads to their prosperity and welfare.

Low nonsense is like that in the Barrel, which is altogether flat, tasteless and insipid. High nonsense is like that in the Bottle, which has in Reality no mere Strength and Spirit than the other, but frets, and flies, and bounces, and by the help of a little Wind that is got in it, imitates the Passions of much nobler liquor.

Returned like a leaden shilling.

Ridiculous as to imitate the inimitable.

Squabble like brother and sister.

I look upon an able statesman out of office like a huge whale, that will endeavor to overturn the ship unless he has an empty cask to play with.

Struggling like an animal in an air pump.

Various as the weather.