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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

Kiss to La critique

Kiss (a) from my mother made me a painter.Ben. West.

Kisses are like grains of gold or silver found upon the ground, of no value themselves, but precious as showing what a mine is near.George Villiers.

Kisses are pledges and incentives of love.Cotton.

Kisses are the messengers of love.Danish Proverb.

Kissing goes by favour.Proverb.

Klein gewin brengt rijkdom in—Small gains bring riches in.Dutch Proverb.

Kleine Diebe henkt man, grosse lässt man laufen—We hang little thieves, but we let big ones off.German Proverb.

Kleine Diebe henkt man, vor grossen zieht man den Hut ab—We hang little thieves, and doff our hats to big ones.German Proverb.

Kleine Feinde und kleine Wunden sind nicht zu verachten—Paltry enemies and trifling wounds are not to be despised.German Proverb.

Kleine Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft—Little gifts keep friendship green.Montesquieu.

Kleiner Profit und oft, ist besser wie grosser und selten—Slender profits and often are better than large ones and seldom.German Proverb.

Kluge Männer suchen wirthliche Frauen—Prudent men woo thrifty women.German Proverb.

Knave! because thou strikest as a knight; / Being but knave, I hate thee all the more.Tennyson.

Knavery is supple, and can bend, but honesty is firm and upright, and yields not.Collier.

Knavery may serve for a turn, but honesty is best in the long-run.Proverb.

Knavery’s plain face is never seen till used.Othello, ii. 1.

Knaves easily believe that others are like themselves; they can hardly be deceived, and they do not deceive others for any length of time.La Bruyère.

Knaves starve not in the land of fools.Churchill.

Knaves will thrive when honest plainness knows not how to live.Shirley.

Kneeling ne’er spoiled silk stockings; quit thy state; / All equal are within the church’s gate.George Herbert.

Know ere thou hint, and then thou may’st slack: / If thou hint ere thou know, then it is too late.Proverb.

Know, fools only trade by the eye.Quarles.

Know from the bounteous heaven all riches flow; / And what man gives, the gods by man bestow.Pope.

Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong.Longfellow.

Know, Nature’s children all divide her care; / The fur that warms a monarch warm’d a bear.Pope.

Know of a truth that only the time-shadows have perished or are perishable; that the real being of whatever was, and whatever is, and whatever will be, is even now and for ever.Carlyle.

Know that nothing can so foolish be / As empty boldness.George Herbert.

Know that the loudest roar of the million is not fame; that the wind bag, are ye mad enough to mount it, will burst, or be shot through with arrows, and your bones too shall act as scarecrows.Carlyle.

Know then this truth (enough for man to know), / Virtue alone is happiness below.Pope.

Know then thyself; presume not God to scan; / The proper study of mankind is man.Pope.

Know thy thought—believe it—front heaven and earth with it, in whatsoever words nature and art have made readiest for thee.Carlyle.

Know thyself, for through thyself only thou canst know God.Ruskin.

Know whom to honour, and emulate, and follow; know whom to dishonour and avoid, and coerce under hatches, as a foul rebellious thing—this is all the Law and all the Prophets.Carlyle.

Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?St. James.

Know ye not who would be free themselves must strike the blow? / By their right arms the conquest must be wrought.Byron.

Know ye the land where the cypress and myrtle / Are emblems of deeds that are done in their clime; / Where the rage of the vulture, the love of the turtle, / Now melt into sorrow, now madden to crime?Byron.

Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me / From mine own library with volumes that / I prize above my dukedom.Tempest, i. 2.

Knowing is seeing.Locke.

Know’st thou yesterday, its aim and reason; / Work’st thou well to-day for worthy things; / Calmly wait the morrow’s hidden season; / Need’st not fear what hap soe’er it brings.Carlyle, after Goethe.

Knowledge advances by steps, and not by leaps.Macaulay.

Knowledge always desires increase; it is like fire, which must first be kindled by some external agent, but which will afterwards propagate itself.Johnson.

Knowledge and timber should not be much used until they are seasoned.Holmes.

Knowledge and Wisdom, far from being one, / Have ofttimes no connection. Knowledge dwells / In heads replete with thoughts of other men; / Wisdom, in minds attentive to their own.Cowper.

Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous.Plato.

Knowledge being to be had only of visible and certain truth, error is not a fault of our knowledge, but a mistake of our judgment, giving assent to that which is not true.Locke.

Knowledge by rote is no knowledge, it is only a retention of what has been intrusted to the memory.Montaigne.

Knowledge by suffering entereth, / And life is perfected by death.Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.Tennyson.

Knowledge comes from experience alone.Carlyle.

Knowledge conquered by labour becomes a possession—a property entirely our own.S. Smiles.

Knowledge descries alone, wisdom applies: / That makes some fools, this maketh none but wise.Quarles.

Knowledge exists to be imparted.Emerson.

Knowledge has its penalties and pains as well as its prizes.Bulwer Lytton.

Knowledge hath a bewildering tongue, and she will stoop and lead you to the stars, and witch you with her mysteries, till gold is a forgotten dross, and power and fame toys of an hour, and woman’s careless love light as the breath that breaks it.Willis.

Knowledge humbleth the great man, astonisheth the common man, and puffeth up the little man.Proverb.

Knowledge in music is in the thinking, and not in memorising.H. E. Holt.

Knowledge introduceth man to acquaintance; and, as the humble stream to the ocean, so doth it conduct him into the hard-acquired presence of the prince, whence fortune floweth.Hitopadesa.

Knowledge is a perennial spring of wealth,… and of itself is riches.Saadi.

Knowledge is a retreat and shelter for us in advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old.Chesterfield.

Knowledge is as food, and needs no less / Her temp’rance over appetite, to know / In measure what the mind may well contain, / Oppresses else with surfeit, and soon turns / Wisdom to folly, as nourishment to wind.Milton.

Knowledge is boundless; human capacity limited.Chamfort.

Knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.Bible.

Knowledge is escape from one’s self. (?)

Knowledge is essential to freedom.Channing.

Knowledge is just like the sun in the heavens, inviting us to noble deeds and lighting our path.M. Harvey.

Knowledge is like current coin. A man may have some right to be proud of possessing it, (only) if he has worked for the gold of it, and assayed it, and stamped it, so that it may be received of all men as true, or earned it fairly, being already assayed.Ruskin.

Knowledge is more than equivalent to force.Bacon.

Knowledge is most surely engraved on brains well prepared for it.Rousseau.

Knowledge is no burden.Proverb.

Knowledge is not an inert and passive principle, which comes to us whether we will or no; but it must be sought before it can be won; it is the product of great labour, and therefore of great sacrifice.Buckle.

Knowledge is not education, and can neither make us happy nor rich.Ruskin.

Knowledge is not happiness, and science but an exchange of ignorance for that which is another kind of ignorance.Byron.

Knowledge is of things we see; / And yet we trust it comes from thee, / A beam in darkness; let it grow.Tennyson.

Knowledge is power.Bacon.

Knowledge is proud that he has learn’d so much; / Wisdom is humble that he knows no more.Cowper.

Knowledge is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another.Addison.

Knowledge is the consequence of time, and multitude of days are fittest to teach wisdom.Jeremy Collier.

Knowledge is the excellency of man, whereby he is usually differenced from the brute.Swinnock.

Knowledge is the knowing that we cannot know.Emerson.

Knowledge is the material with which genius builds her fabrics.Bryant.

Knowledge is the parent of love; wisdom, love itself.Hare.

Knowledge is the treasure, but judgment the treasurer, of a wise man.William Penn.

Knowledge is the treasure of the mind, but discretion is the key to it, without which it is useless. The practical part of wisdom is the best.Feltham.

Knowledge is to one a goddess, to another only an excellent cow.Schiller.

Knowledge, love, power, constitute the complete life.Amiel.

Knowledge may not be as a courtesan for pleasure and vanity only; or as a bondwoman, to acquire and gain for her master’s use; but as a spouse, for generation, fruit, and comfort.Bacon.

Knowledge of my way is a good part of my journey.A. Warwick.

Knowledge of our duties is the most useful part of philosophy.Whately.

Knowledge of the world is dearly bought at the price of moral purity.E. Wigglesworth.

Knowledge perverted is knowledge no longer.Bulwer Lytton.

Knowledge produceth humility; from humility proceedeth worthiness; from worthiness riches are acquired; from riches religion, and thence happiness.Hitopadesa.

Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.St. Paul.

Knowledge shall vanish away.St. Paul.

Knowledge that a thing is false is a truth.Schopenhauer.

Knowledge that terminates in curiosity and speculation is inferior to that which is useful, and of all useful knowledge that is the most so which consists in a due care and just notion of ourselves.St. Bernard.

Knowledge, the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.2 Henry VI., iv. 7.

Knowledge to their eyes her ample page, / Rich with the spoils of time, did ne’er unroll; / Chill penury repress’d their noble rage, / And froze the genial current of the soul.Gray.

Knowledge, when wisdom is too weak to guide her, / Is like a headstrong horse that throws the rider.Quarles.

Knowledge without education is but armed injustice.Horace.

Knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.Johnson.

Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom.Plato.

Knowledge without practice is like a glass eye, all for show, and nothing for use.Swinnock.

Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.St. Paul.

Komm jedem, wie er sei, mit edeln Sinn entgegen, / Vielleicht wird dann in ihm, was edel ist, sich regen—Accost whoever you may meet with noble feeling; perhaps what is noble will begin to stir in him.J. Trojan.

Kraft erwart’ ich vora Mann, des Gesetzes Würde behaupt’ er; / Aber durch Anmuth allein herrschet und herrsche das Weib—I look for power in the man; he affirms the dignity of the law; but the woman rules, and will continue to rule, through grace alone.Schiller.

Krankes Fleish, kranker Geist—Sickly in body, sickly in mind.German Proverb.

Krieg bis aufs Messer—War to the knife.German.

Krieg ist ewig zwischen List und Argwohn, / Nur zwischen Glauben und Vertraun ist Friede—War is unending between cunning and mistrust; only between faith and trust is there peace.Schiller.

[Greek]—Wisdom is better than even great valour.Theognis.

[Greek]—Thought beforehand is better than regret afterwards.Dionysius of Halicarnassus.

Kühl bis an’s Herz hinan—Cool to the very heart.Goethe.

Kunst ist die rechte Hand der Natur. Diese hat nur Geschöpfe, jene hat Menschen gemacht—Art is the right hand of Nature. The latter has made only creatures, the former has made men.Schiller.

Kurz ist der Lieb’ Entzücken, doch ewig ist die Pein—Short is the rapture of love, but eternal is the pain.S. Rossini.

Kurz ist der Schmerz, und ewig ist die Freude!—Short is the pain and eternal the joy!Schiller.

Kyrie eleeison—Lord, have mercy upon us.

Kythe (appear) in your ain colours, that folk may ken ye.Scotch Proverb.

L’absence est à l’amour ce qu’est au feu le vent; / Il éteint le petit, il allume le grand—Absence is to love what wind is to a fire; it quenches the small flame and quickens the large.Bussy.

L’adresse surmonte la force—Skill surpasses strength.French Proverb.

L’adversité est sans doute un grand maître; mais ce maître se fait payer cher ses leçons, et souvent le profit qu’on en retire ne vaut pas le prix qu’elles ont coûté—Adversity is without doubt a great teacher, but this teacher makes us pay dear for his instructions, and often the profit we derive from them is not worth the price we are required to pay.Rousseau.

L’adversité falt l’homme, et le bonheur les monstres—Men are formed in adversity, monsters in prosperity.French.

L’affaire s’achemine—The affair is going forward.French.

L’âge d’or était l’âge où l’or ne regnait pas—The golden age was the age in which gold did not reign.Lézay de Marnézia.

L’âge d’or, qu’une aveugle tradition a placé jusqu’ici dans le passé, est devant nous—The golden age, which a blind tradition has hitherto placed behind us, is before us.St. Simon.

L’aigle d’une maison est un sot dans une autre—The eagle of one house is a fool in another.Gresset.

L’aimable siècle où l’homme dit à l’homme, / Soyons frères, ou je t’assomme—That loving time when one man said to another, “Let us be brothers, or I will brain you.”Le Brun, of French Revolution times.

L’Allégorie habite un palais diaphane—Allegory dwells in a transparent palace.Lemierre.

L’Allegro—The merry Muse.

L’âme n’a pas de secret que la conduite ne révèle—The heart has no secret which our conduct does not reveal.French Proverb.

L’âme qui n’a point de but établi, elle se perd; c’est n’être en aucun bien, qu’être par tout—The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere is to be nowhere.Montaigne.

L’ami du genre humain n’est point du tout mon fait—He who is the friend of every one has no interest for me.Molière.

L’amitié est l’amour sans ailes—Friendship is love without wings, i.e., is steadfast.French Proverb.

L’amour apprend aux ânes à danser—Love teaches even asses to dance.French Proverb.

L’amour de la justice n’est, en la plus part des hommes, que la crainte de souffrir l’injustice—The love of justice is, in the majority of mankind, nothing else than the fear of suffering injustice.La Rochefoucauld.

L’amour est le roman du cœur, / Et le plaisir en est l’histoire—Love is the heart’s romance, pleasure is its history.M. de Bièvre.

L’amour est un vrai recommenceur—Love is a true renewer.Bussy-Rabutin.

L’amour est une passion qui vient souvent sans savoir comment, et qui s’en va aussi de même—Love is a passion which comes often we know not how, and which goes also in like manner.French.

L’amour et la fumée ne peuvent se cacher—Love and smoke cannot be concealed.French Proverb.

L’amour-propre est le plus grand de tous les flatteurs—Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers.La Rochefoucauld.

L’amour-propre est un ballon gonflé de vent, dont il sort des tempêtes quand on lui fait une piqûre—Self-love is a balloon blown up with wind, from which tempests of passion issue as soon as it is pricked into.Voltaire.

L’amour-propre offensé ne pardonne jamais—Self-love offended never forgives.Vigèe.

L’amour soumet la terre, assujettit les cieux, / Les rois sont à ses pieds, il gouverne les dieux—Love rules the earth, subjects the heavens; kings are at his feet; he controls the gods.Corneille.

L’anglais a les préjugés de l’orgueil, et les français ceux de la vanité—The English are predisposed to pride, the French to vanity.Rousseau.

L’anime triste di coloro / Che visser senza infamia, e senza lodo—The sad souls of those who lived without blame and without praise.Dante.

L’animal delle lunghe orecchie, dopo aver beveto dà calci al secchio—The ass (lit. long-eared animal), after having drunk, gives a kick to the bucket.Italian Proverb.

L’apparente facilité d’apprendre est cause de la perte des enfants—The apparent facility of learning is a reason why children are lost.Rousseau.

L’appétit vient en mangeant—Appetite comes with eating, i.e., the more one has, the more one would have.Rabelais.

L’arbre de la liberté ne croît qu’arrosé par le sang des tyrans—The tree of liberty grows only when watered by the blood of tyrants.Barere.

L’arco si rompe se sta troppo teso—The bow when overstrained will break.Italian Proverb.

L’argent est un bon passe-partout—Money is a good pass-key or passport.French Proverb.

L’argent est un bon serviteur et un méchant maître—Money is a good servant, but a bad master.French Proverb.

L’art de vaincre est celui de mépriser la mort—The art of conquering is that of despising death.Mme. de Sivry.

L’asino che ha fame mangia d’ogni strame—The ass that is hungry will eat any kind of litter.Italian Proverb.

L’aspettar del malo è mal peggiore / Forse che non parebbe il mal presente—The anticipation of evil is perhaps worse than the evil is felt to be when it comes.Tasso.

L’atrocité des lois en empêche l’exécution—The severity of the laws prevents the execution of them.Montesquieu.

L’avare est comme ces amans qu’un excès d’amour empêche de jouir—The miser is like a lover the excess of whose passion bars the enjoyment of it.French.

L’avenir—The future.French.

L’élévation est au merité, ce que la parure est aux belles personnes—Exalted station is to merit what the ornament of dress is to handsome persons.French.

L’éloquence a fleuri le plus à Rome lorsque les affaires ont été en plus mauvais état—Eloquence flourished most in Rome when its affairs were in the worst condition.Montaigne.

“L’empire, c’est la paix”—“The empire, that is peace.”Napoleon III.

L’empire des lettres—The republic of letters.French.

L’ennui du beau, amène le goût du singulier—When we tire of the beautiful it induces a taste for singularity.French.

L’ennui naquit un jour de l’uniformité—Ennui was born one day of uniformity.Lamotte-Houdard.

L’enseigne fait la chalandise—A good sign attracts custom.La Fontaine.

L’esclave n’a qu’un maître; l’ambitieux en a autant qu’il y a de gens utiles à sa fortune—A slave has but one master; the ambitious man has as many as there are people who help him to his fortune.La Bruyère.

L’espérance est le songe d’un homme éveillé—Hope is the dream of a man awake.French Proverb.

L’esprit a son ordre, qui est par principes et démonstrations, le cœur en a un autre—The mind has its way of proceeding by principles and demonstrations; the heart has a different method.Pascal.

L’esprit de la conversation consiste bien moins à en montrer beaucoup qu’à en faire trouver aux autres—Wit in conversation consists much less in displaying much of it than in stimulating it in others.La Bruyère.

L’esprit de la plupart des femmes sert plus à fortifier leur folie que leur raison—The wit of most women goes more to strengthen their folly than their reason.La Rochefoucauld.

L’esprit de modération doit être celui du législateur—A legislator should be animated by the spirit of moderation.Montesquieu.

L’esprit est le dieu des instants, le génie est le dieu des âges—Wit is the god of the moments, but genius is the god of the ages.French.

L’esprit est toujours la dupe du cœur—The mind is always the dupe of the heart.La Rochefoucauld.

L’esprit est une plante dont on ne sauroit arrêter la végétation sans la faire périr—Wit is a plant of which you cannot arrest the development without destroying it.French Proverb.

L’esprit qu’on veut avoir, gâte celui qu’on a—The wit which we strive to possess spoils that which we naturally possess.Gresset.

L’esprit ressemble aux coquettes; ceux qui courent après lui sont ceux qu’il favorise le moins—Wit is like a coquette; those who run after it are the least favoured.French.

“L’état, c’est moi”—“The state, I am the state.”Louis XIV.

L’état doit avoir aussi des entrailles—The state as well as the individual ought to have a feeling heart.Cousin.

“L’Europe m’ennuie”—“I am tired of Europe.”Napoleon, when he took the field against Russia.

L’exactitude est la politesse des rois—Punctuality is the politeness of kings.Maxim of Louis XVIII.

L’excellence et la grandeur d’une âme brille et éclate d’avantage dans le mépris de richesse—The excellence and greatness of a soul are most conspicuously and strikingly displayed in the contempt of riches.French.

L’expérience de beaucoup d’opinions donne à l’esprit beaucoup de flexibilité, et l’affermit dans celles qu’il croit les meilleures—Acquaintance with a wide range of opinion imparts to the mind great flexibility, and confirms it in those which it believes to be the best.French.

L’imitazione del male supera sempre l’essempio; come per il contrario l’imitazione del bene è sempre inferiore—He who imitates what is bad always goes beyond his model, while he, on the contrary, who imitates what is good always comes short of it.Guicciardini.

L’impromptu est justement la pierre de touche de l’esprit—Impromptu is precisely the touchstone of wit.Molière.

L’habit ne fait point le moine—It is not the garb he wears that makes the monk.Pascal.

L’heure est à Dieu, l’espérance à tous—The hour appertains to God, hope to all.French.

L’histoire n’est que le tableau des crimes et des malheurs—History is but a picture of crimes and misfortunes.Voltaire.

L’homme absurde est celui qui ne change jamais—The absurd man is he who never changes.Barthélemy.

L’homme est de glace aux vérités, / Il est de feu pour les mensonges—Man is as ice to what is true, and as fire to falsehood.La Fontaine.

L’homme est sourd à ses maux tant qu’à ses intérêts quand il s’agit de ses plaisirs—Men are regardless of their misfortunes as well as their interests when either are in competition with their pleasures.French.

L’homme est toujours l’enfant, et l’enfant toujours l’homme—The man is always the child, and the child is always the man.French.

L’homme est un apprenti, la douleur est son maître; / Et nul ne se connaît, tant qu’il n’a pas souffert—Man is an apprentice, pain is his master; and none knows himself so long as he has not suffered.A. de Musset.

L’homme n’est jamais moins misérable que quand il paraît dépourvu de tout—Man is never less miserable than when he appears destitute of everything.French.

L’homme n’est ni ange ni bête, et le malheur veut que qui veut faire l’ange fait la bête—Man is neither an angel nor a brute, but, as the evil genius will have it, he who aspires to be an angel degenerates into the brute.Pascal.

L’homme n’est qu’un roseau, le plus faible de la nature, mais c’est un roseau pensant—Man is only a reed, the weakest in nature, but he is a reed that thinks.Pascal.

L’homme nécessaire—The right man.French.

L’homme propose et Dieu dispose—Man proposes and God disposes.French Proverb.

L’homme vraiment libre ne veut que ce qu’il peut, et fait ce qu’il lui plaît—The man who is truly free wills only what he can, and does only what pleases him.Rousseau.

L’honneur acquis est caution de celui qu’on doit acquérir—Honour acquired is an earnest of that which is to follow.La Rochefoucauld.

L’hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu—Hypocrisy is the homage which vice renders to virtue.La Rochefoucauld.

L’imagination est la folle du logis—Imagination is the madcap of the brain (lit. the Merry Andrew of the dwelling).Malebranche.

L’imagination galope, le jugement ne va que le pas—The imagination gallops, the judgment merely walks.French.

L’impossibilité où nous sommes de prouver que Dieu n’est pas, nous découvre son existence—The impossibility which we feel of proving that there is not a God reveals to us His existence.French.

L’incrédulité est une croyance, une religion très exigeante, qui a ses dogmes, sa liturgie, ses pratiques, ses rites … son intolerance, ses superstitions—Incredulity is a belief, a religion highly peremptory, which has its dogmas, its liturgy, its practices, its rites,… its intolerance, and its superstitions.Alphonse Karr.

L’incroyable—The incredible; past belief.

L’industrie des hommes s’épuise à briguer les charges, il ne leur en reste plus pour en remplir les devoirs—The energies of men are so exhausted in canvassing for places, that they have none left to perform the duties which belong to them.French.

L’influence féminine devient l’auxiliaire indispensable de tout pouvoir spirituel, comme le moyen âge l’a tant montré—The influence of woman proves to be the indispensable auxiliary of all spiritual power, as the Middle Ages have so abundantly testified. (?)

L’ingegno, che spopola e che spalea / E l’asino d’un pubblico insolente, / Che mai lo pasce e sempre lo cavalca—The genius which devastates and destroys is the ass of the insolent public, who always mount and ride it, but never feed it.Giuseppe Giusti.

L’injustice à la fin produit l’indépendance—Independence in the end is the fruit of injustice.Voltaire.

L’institut des Jésuites est une épée, dont la poignée est à Rome et la pointe partout—The order of the Jesuits is a sword, the handle of which is at Rome and the point everywhere.Dupin.

L’Italia farà da se—Italy will do it by herself.Motto of the Italian Revolution of 1849.

L’occasion fait le larron—Opportunity makes the thief.French Proverb.

L’on espère de vieillir et l’on craint la vieillesse; c’est à dire l’on aime la vie et l’on fuit la mort—We hope to grow old, yet we dread old age; that is to say, we love life and shrink from death.La Bruyère.

L’on ne peut aller loin dans l’amitié, si l’on n’est pas disposé à se pardonner, les uns aux autres, les petits défauts—Friendship cannot go far if we are not disposed mutually to forgive each other’s venial faults.La Bruyère.

L’on ne vaut dans ce monde que ce que l’on veut valoir—We are valued in this world at the rate at which we desire to be valued.La Bruyère.

L’on se repent rarement de parler peu, très souvent de trop parler: maxime usée et triviale que tout le monde sait, et que tout le monde ne pratique pas—We rarely repent of having spoken too little, very often of having spoken too much: a maxim this which is old and trivial, and which every one knows, but which every one does not practise.La Bruyère.

L’or est une chimère—Gold is but a chimæra, or fabulous monster.S. Meyerbeer.

L’orateur cherche par son discours un archevêché, l’apôtre fait des conversions; il mérite de trouver ce que l’autre cherche—The preacher aims by his eloquence at an archbishopric, the apostle makes converts; he deserves to get what the other aims at.La Bruyère.

L’oreille est le chemin du cœur—The ear is the road to the heart.Voltaire.

L’orgueil ne veut pas devoir, et l’amour-propre ne veut pas payer—Pride wishes not to owe, and self-love does not wish to pay.La Rochefoucauld.

L’ozio é il padre di tutti i vizi—Idleness is the parent of all the vices.Italian Proverb.

L’ultima che si perde è la speranza—Hope is the last thing we lose.Italian Proverb.

L’une des marques de la médiocrité d’esprit est de toujours conter—One of the marks of a mediocrity of intellect is to be given to story-telling.La Bruyère.

L’union fait la force—Union is strength.Motto.

L’usage fréquent des finesses est toujours l’effet d’une grande incapacité, et la marque d’un petit esprit—The frequent recourse to finesse is always the effect of incapacity and the mark of a small mind.French.

La beauté de l’esprit donne de l’admiration, celle de l’âme donne de l’estime, et celle du corps de l’amour—The charms of wit excite admiration, those of the soul esteem, and those of the body love.French.

La beauté sans vertu est une fleur sans parfum—Beauty without virtue is a flower without fragrance.French Proverb.

La biblioteca è l’nutrimento dell’ anima—Books are nourishment to the mind.Italian Proverb.

La bonne fortune et la mauvaise sont nécessaire à l’homme pour le rendre habile—Good fortune and bad are alike necessary to man in order to develop his capability.French.

La bride sur le cou—With loose reins; at full speed.French.

La buena vida padre y madre olvida—Prosperity forgets father and mother.Spanish Proverb.

La carrière des lettres est plus épineuse que celle de la fortune. Si vous avez le malheur d’être médiocre, voilà des remords pour la vie; si vous réussissiez, voilà des ennemis; vous marchez sur le bord d’un abîme entre le mépris et la haine—A literary career is a more thorny path than that which leads to fortune. If you have the misfortune not to rise above mediocrity, you feel mortified for life; and if you are successful, a host of enemies spring up against you. Thus you find yourself on the brink of an abyss between contempt and hatred.Voltaire.

La carrière ouverte aux talents—The course is open to men of talent—the tools to the man that can handle them (of which truth Napoleon has been described as the great preacher).French.

La Charte sera désormais une vérité—The Charter shall be henceforward a reality.Louis Philippe.

La clémence des princes n’est souvent qu’une politique pour gagner l’affection des peuples—The clemency of princes is often only a political manœuvre to gain the affections of their subjects.La Rochefoucauld.

La colpa seguira la parte offensa / In grido, como suol—Blame, as is wont, wreaks its rage on those who suffer wrong.Dante.

La condition par excellence de la vie, de la santé et de la force chez l’être organisé, est l’action. C’est par l’action qu’il developpe ses facultés, qu’il en augmente l’énergie, et qu’il atteint la plénitude de sa destinée—The chief condition on which depends the life, health, and vigour of an organised being is action. It is by action that it develops its faculties, that it increases its energy, and that it attains to the fulfilment of its destiny.Proudhon.

La confiance fournit plus à la conversation que l’esprit—Confidence contributes more to conversation than wit.La Rochefoucauld.

La conscience est la voix de l’âme, les passions sont la voix du corps—Conscience is the voice of the soul, the passions are the voice of the body.Rousseau.

La constance des sages n’est que l’art de renfermer leur agitation dans leur cœur—The constancy of the wise is nothing but the art of shutting up whatever might disturb them within themselves.La Rochefoucauld.

La corruption de chaque gouvernement commence presque toujours par celle des principes—The decay of every government almost always dates from the decay of the principles on which it is founded.Montesquieu.

La cour est comme un édifice bâti de marbre; je veux dire qu’elle est composée d’hommes fort durs mais fort polis—The court is like an edifice built of marble; I mean, it is composed of men very hard but very polished.La Bruyère.

La cour ne rend pas content, elle empêche qu’on ne le soit ailleurs—The court does not make a man happy, and it prevents him from being so elsewhere.La Bruyère.

La crainte suit le crime, et c’est son châtiment—Fear haunts crime, and this is its punishment.Voltaire.

La crédulité est plutôt une erreur qu’une faute, et les plus de gens de bien en sont susceptibles—Credulity is rather an error than a fault, and the worthiest people are most subject to it.French.

La criaillerie ordinaire fait qu’on s’y accoutume et chacun la méprise—By continually scolding your inferiors, they at length become accustomed to it, and despise your reproof.French.

La critique est aisée, et l’art est difficile—Criticism is easy, and art is difficult.Destouches.