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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.


Heaven is in thy faith; happiness in thy heart.

Honourable (Ehrlich) is a word of high rank, and implies much more than most people attach to it.

In deinem Glauben ist dein Himmel, / In deinem Herzen ist dein Glück—In thy faith is thy heaven, in thy heart thy happiness.

Nichts stirbt, was wirklich gut und göttlich war—Nothing that was really good and godlike dies.

Nur dem Fröhlichen blüht der Baum des Lebens, / Dem Unschuldigen rinnt der Born der Jugend / Auch noch im Alter—Only for the cheerful does the tree of life blossom, for the innocent the well-spring of youth keeps still flowing, even in old age.

Nur wer vor Gott sich fühlet klein / Kann vor den Menschen mächtig sein—He only who feels himself little in the eye of God can hope to be mighty in the eyes of men.