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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.


Der Rathgeber eines Höheren handelt klüglich, wenn er sein geistiges Uebergewicht verbirgt, wie das Weib seine Schönheit verhüllt um des Sieges desto gewisser zu sein—The adviser of a superior acts wisely if he conceals his spiritual superiority, as the woman veils her beauty in order to be the more certain of conquering.

Die Tugend ist nicht ein Wissen, sondern ein Wollen—Virtue is not a knowing, but a willing.

Education ought, as a first principle, to stimulate the will to activity.

Ein Volk ohne Gesetze gleicht einem Menschen ohne Grundsätze—A people without laws is like a man without principle.

Man is the favourite (Günstling) of Nature, not in the sense that Nature has done everything for him, but that she has given him the power of doing everything for himself.

Man muss handeln können, wie man will, um zu handeln, wie man soll—We must be able to act as we would in order to act as we should.

Nicht immer macht das Kleid den Mann—Clothes do not always make the man.

Nothing is so conceivable (begreiflich) to the child, nothing seems to be so natural to him, as the marvellous or supernatural.

Schweigen ist das Heiligthum der Klugheit. Es birgt nicht bloss Geheimnisse, sondern auch Fehler—Silence is the sanctuary of prudence. It conceals not merely secrets, but blemishes.

Silence is the sanctuary of discretion (Klugheit). It not only conceals secrets but also faults.

Virtue is not a knowing, but a willing.