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Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.

The Tears of Fancie

Sonnet XL. The common ioye, the cheere of companie

Thomas Watson (1555–1592)

THE COMMON ioye, the cheere of companie,

Twixt myrth and mone doth plague me euermore:

For pleasant talke or musicks melodie,

Yelds no such salue vnto my secret sore.

For still I liue in spight of cruell death,

And die againe in spight of lingring life:

Feede still with hope which doth prolong my breath,

But choackt with feare and strangled still with strife,

VVitnes the daies which I in dole consume,

And weary nights beare record of my woe:

O wronge full world which makst my fancie fume,

Fie fickle Fortune fie, thou art my foe.

O heauie hap so froward is my chance,

No daies nor nights nor worlds can me aduance.