
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  Canzon 11. How wert thou pleasèd with my Pastoral Ode!

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.


Canzon 11. How wert thou pleasèd with my Pastoral Ode!


HOW wert thou pleasèd with my Pastoral Ode!

Which late I sent thee; wherein I, thy Swain,

In rural tune, on pipe did chaunt abroad

Thee, for the loveliest Lass that traced the plain.

There, on thy head, I, FLORA’s Chaplet placed!

There, did my pipe proclaim thee, Summer’s Queen!

Each herdgroom, with that honour held thee graced!

When lawny white did chequer with thy green.

There, did I bargain all my kids to thee!

My spotted lambkins, choicest of my fold!

So thou would’st sit and keep thy flock by me:

So much I joyed, thy beauty to behold.

How many Cantons then, sent I to thee!

Who, though on two strings only raised their strain,

To wit, my Grief, and thy unmatched Beauty;

Yet well their harmony could please thy vein!

Well could they please thee, and thou term them witty;

But now as fortunes change, so change my Ditty!