
Home  »  The Poetical Works In Four Volumes  »  Official Piety

John Greenleaf Whittier (1807–1892). The Poetical Works in Four Volumes. 1892.

Anti-Slavery Poems

Official Piety

  • Suggested by reading a state paper, wherein the higher law is invoked to sustain the lower one.

  • A PIOUS magistrate! sound his praise throughout

    The wondering churches. Who shall henceforth doubt

    That the long-wished millennium draweth nigh?

    Sin in high places has become devout,

    Tithes mint, goes painful-faced, and prays its lie

    Straight up to Heaven, and calls it piety!

    The pirate, watching from his bloody deck

    The weltering galleon, heavy with the gold

    Of Acapulco, holding death in check

    While prayers are said, brows crossed, and beads are told;

    The robber, kneeling where the wayside cross

    On dark Abruzzo tells of life’s dread loss

    From his own carbine, glancing still abroad

    For some new victim, offering thanks to God!

    Rome, listening at her altars to the cry

    Of midnight Murder, while her hounds of hell

    Scour France, from baptized cannon and holy bell

    And thousand-throated priesthood, loud and high,

    Pealing Te Deums to the shuddering sky,

    “Thanks to the Lord, who giveth victory!”

    What prove these, but that crime was ne’er so black

    As ghostly cheer and pious thanks to lack?

    Satan is modest. At Heaven’s door he lays

    His evil offspring, and, in Scriptural phrase

    And saintly posture, gives to God the praise

    And honor of the monstrous progeny.

    What marvel, then, in our own time to see

    His old devices, smoothly acted o’er,—

    Official piety, locking fast the door

    Of Hope against three million souls of men,—

    Brothers, God’s children, Christ’s redeemed,—and then,

    With uprolled eyeballs and on bended knee,

    Whining a prayer for help to hide the key!
