
Upton Sinclair, ed. (1878–1968). rn The Cry for Justice: An Anthology of the Literature of Social Protest. 1915.

A Doll’s House

Ibsen, Henrik

Henrik Ibsen

(Norwegian dramatist, 1828–1906. A play which may be called the source of the modern Feminist movement. In the following scene a young wife announces her revolt)

NORA:—While I was at home with father, he used to tell me his opinions, and I held the same opinions. If I had others, I concealed them, because he wouldn’t have liked it. He used to call me his doll-child, and played with me as I played with my dolls. Then I came to live in your house—

HELMER:—What an expression to use about our marriage!

NORA (undisturbed):—I mean I passed from father’s hands into yours. You settled everything according to your taste; and I got the same tastes as you; or I pretended to—I don’t know which—both ways, perhaps. When I look back on it now, I seem to have been living here like a beggar, from hand to mouth. I lived by performing tricks for you, Torvald. But you would have it so. You and father have done me a great wrong. It is your fault that my life has been wasted.

HELMER:—Why, Nora, how unreasonable and ungrateful you are. Haven’t you been happy here?

NORA:—No, only merry. And you have always been so kind to me. But your house has been nothing but a play-room. Here I have been your doll-wife, just as at home I used to be papa’s doll-child. And the children, in their turn, have been my dolls. I thought it fun when you played with me, just as the children did when I played with them. That has been our marriage, Torvald.… And that is why I am now leaving you!

HELMER (jumping up):—What—do you mean to say—

NORA:—I must stand quite alone, to know myself and my surroundings; so I can’t stay with you.

HELMER:—Nora! Nora!

NORA:—I am going at once. Christina will take me for tonight.

HELMER:—You are mad! I shall not allow it. I forbid it.

NORA:—It is no use your forbidding me anything now. I shall take with me what belongs to me. From you I will accept nothing, either now or afterwards.…

HELMER:—To forsake your home, your husband, and your children! You don’t consider what the world will say.

NORA:—I can pay no heed to that. I only know what I must do.

HELMER:—It is exasperating! Can you forsake your holiest duties in this world?

NORA:—What do you call my holiest duties?

HELMER:—Do you ask me that? Your duties to your husband and your children.

NORA:—I have other duties equally sacred.

HELMER:—Impossible! What duties do you mean?

NORA:—My duties towards myself.

HELMER:—Before all else you are a wife and a mother.

NORA:—That I no longer believe. I think that before all else I am a human being, just as much as you are—or at least I will try to become one.