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Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

Epitaph to Fairness

  five words might be his [Alexander Hamilton’s] e., 830
  greatest e. in the country, 1515
  saddest e., 1077
  When I [Will Rogers] die, my e., 1155Epitaphs, 546549
  Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 546
  King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929–1968), 547
  Lindbergh, Charles Augustus (1902–1974), 548
  Petigru, James Louis (1789–1863), 549Epoch
  it was the e. of belief, it was the e. of incredulity, 1818Equal
  all men are born free and e., 554
  all men are created e., 219, 397, 462
  all men are created e. & independant, 396
  dead all men at last are e., 368
  Government should [not] take action to try to make these opportunities exactly e., 1085
  justice, e. opportunity, e. dignity without discrimination, 866
  law secures e. justice to all alike, 1568
  laws protecting e. rights, 552
  like being cheated by an e., 909
  more than the e. of any nation in the world, 407
  opportunity and an e. chance to do his best, 1463
  pay for e. work, 550
  representation then proposed, 1597
  rights of all men, and all nations, 1075
  rights to all and special privileges to none, 1573
  some animals are more e. than others, 553
  treatment of unequals, 551Equality, 550554
  as a human being, 1671
  I take the view that e. is e., 303
  of the white and black races, 1578
  to assure complete e., 1092Equalizer
  education … is the great e., 498Equally
  we are all e. human, 1481Equals
  Only a peace between e. can last, 1329Equations
  diagrams and e., 1661Equilibrium
  Peace is an unstable e., 1320Era
  of appeasement must come to an end, 153Errand
  they shall not be sent upon a similar e., 698Error, 555
  no effort without e. and shortcoming, 10
  No mans e. becomes his own Law, 555
  wounded, writhes in pain / And dies among his worshippers, 1829Errors
  that, which doubleth all e., will not acknowledge or retract them, 2084Escape
  cannot e. history, 1701
  from painful realities, 580
  this book has been for the author a long struggle of e., 875Establishment
  elected spokesmen represent the E., 1891
  how wise the E. is, 1613
  Thou Shalt Not Accept Any E. Idea, 441
  today’s E. is the new George III, 1614Estate
  not make his e. a single drachma greater, 1022Esteem
  What we obtain too cheap, we e. too lightly, 1845Eternal
  change alone is e., 180
  hostility against every form of tyranny, 1844
  interests are e. and perpetual, 42
  no e. allies, 42
  vigilance, 1054, 1073Eternity
  Architecture aims at e., 93
  Silence is deep as E., 1691
  Silence is of E., 1691Ethic
  of Reverence for Life, 1101Ethical
  A man is e. only when life … is sacred to him, 1101Ethics
  too, are nothing but reverence for life, 1214
  true e. whisper into my ear, 1102Ethiopia’s
  defense of E. freedom, 1721Eulogies
  Black, Hugo La Fayette (1886–1971), 376
  Burnes, James N., 368
  Elks Lodge annual memorial service (1906), 1752
  Humphrey, Hubert Horatio (1911–1978), 1222, 1697
  Jones, John Paul (1747–1792), 886
  Kennedy, Joseph Patrick (1888–1969), 109
  Kennedy, Robert Francis (1925–1968), 465
  King, Martin Luther, Jr., (1929–1968), 1995Europe, 566559
  all E. may be free, 2055 all E. sneezes, 559
  All the armies of E.,… could not, 406
  American frontier has been on the coasts of E., 2064
  Americans laid before E. that noble Declaration, 393
  crusading and defending E., 1947
  extends to the Alleghenies, 557
  fall of E. is inevitable, 247
  hush over all E., 2053
  I want them on this continent and not in E., 1259
  Immigration … from overcrowded E., 476
  is not to be saved by any single man, 534
  is partitioned, 558
  is the less, 134
  keep our country uncommitted in the troubles which afflict E., 840
  lying and comfort-loving E., 556
  master of Bohemia is master of E., 122
  [must] not [walk] toward E., 658
  natives of E. were brave and robust, 1647
  save E. by her [England’s] example, 534
  second front in E., 2067
  they will become corrupt as in E., 726
  unincumbered travellers in E. 1272
  useful to E. and harmful to the human race, 1606
  who, in E., is by Rank superior to all, 1626European
  descendant of an E., 48Everything
  he wants, and nothing you want, 256Evidence
  wordy e. of the fact, 1692Evil, 560566
  destroying, injuring, and limiting life are evil, 1214
  distorted way of looking at things produced,… such incalculable e., 1231
  good End cannot sanctifie e. Means, 564
  indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by e. men, 565
  Instead of diminishing e., it multiplies it, 1893
  nor must we ever do E., that Good may come of it, 564
  only thing necessary for the triumph of e., 560
  sin to believe e. of others, but seldom a mistake, 562
  That which one believes of others, 562
  There are few things wholly e. or wholly good, 561
  thousand hacking at the branches of e. to one who is striking at the root, 566
  whether it have more of e. than of good, 561Evils
  cure for the e. of democracy, 422
  it is too feeble to overthrow, 1237
  of city life, 212
  of superficiality, 1097
  of war are great in their endurance, 840
  substantive e. that Congress has a right to prevent, 675
  we cannot abolish all the e. in this world by statute, 783
  which have never happened, 1116Exaggerate
  I don’t even have to e., 748Exaggerated
  report of my death has been … e., 378Example
  do not copy our neighbors, but are an e. to them, 1568
  encouragement of a great e., 99Excellence, 567569
  claim of e. is also recognised, 1568
  conformity with e. or virtue, 567
  four-squared e., 569
  full use of your powers along lines of e., 567
  of what is in their hands, 880
  society which scorns e. in plumbing, 568Excess
  of the opposite virtue, 826
  virtue like valour when it is pushed to e., 826Excuses
  who e. himself, accuses himself, 837Excusing
  of a fault / Doth make the fault the worse by excuse, 837Executive
  as necessary to good Government as a single E., 1036
  discretion of the E., 1447
  interpretation of e. power, 1505
  legislative power is nominated by the e., 324
  power, 1078
  provide in the Constitution for the regular punishment of the e., 891
  rescue Liberty from the grasp of e. power, 1078Executive Branch
  head, heart, and hand, 282
  is clearly obligated … to supply relevant information to the Legislative Branch, 893
  is the branch of power most interested in war, 1931
  Under the Constitution, I now belong to the e. b., 282Executives
  have given inspiration and push to the advancement of human society, 1030
  have played a powerful role in the development of civilization, 1030Exercise
  active e. of his soul’s faculties, 567
  our strength with wisdom and restraint, 662
  preclude the e. of arbitrary power, 789Exercises
  should be devoted to it [health] in preference to every other pursuit, 851Exhortation
  of the Dawn, 1106Exigency
  of the times, 1357Exile
  honorable e., 842Exits
  and their entrances, 1158Expand
  tangible and the functional e., 50Expectations
  revolution of rising e., 182, 1618Expected
  Of other generations much is e., 1607Expenditure
  annual e. twenty pounds ought and six, result misery, 380
  on armaments as conflicting with the requirements of the social services, 784
  poor cannot hope for much economy in public e., 812Expenditures
  cutting e., 801
  defense e. 400
  limit public e. to the actual needs of the government, 796Expense
  of so much time, blood, and treasure, 525Expensive
  immoral, illegal, fattening, or too e., 846Experience, 570577
  all e. is an arch wherethro’ / Gleams that untravell’d world whose margin fades, 575
  analogy of e., 573
  eye may be opened by e., 1002
  get out of an e. only the wisdom that is in it, 576
  how incapable must Man be of learning from e., 574
  instinct has learned nothing from e., 1292
  lamp of e., 571
  lessons of their own e., 82
  may … bring certain truths to the Americans’ attention, 362
  teaching which e. offers in history, 570
  triumph of hope over e., 1167
  which is going on around me, 1102Experiment
  Doing for people … is a dangerous e., 1983Experimentation
  country demands bold, persistent e., 1843Experiments
  without risk to the rest of the country, 1755Experts, 578
  as many opinions as there are e., 1273
  I’ve known better than to depend on the e., 578Explain
  never complain and never e., 1113
  Never e.; your friends do not need it, 686Explanation
  maximum the e., 95Exploration, 579
  We shall not cease from e., 579Expositions
  timekeepers of progress, 1537Exposure
  of folly, 681
  nothing chills pretense like e., 610Ex-Presidents
  What shall be done with our e., 1488Extravagance
  no e. of anticipation, 1710
  public e. begets e., 796Extravagant
  and sporting set, 108Extreme
  valour and e. benevolence, 826Extremes
  that fence all efforts in, 659Extremism, 580581
  in the defense of liberty is no vice, 581Extremist
  splinter groups, 524Extremists
  who are advocating a soft approach, 580Extremity
  We do not display our greatness by placing ourselves at one e., 826Exuberance
  bursting and sprouting out in wonderful e., 1313Eye
  delights the e. … of every observing Traveller, 59Eyelash
  difference is just an e., 1930Eyes
  having e., see not, 1834
  of all people are upon us, 1611Fable
  of the Snake, 265
  on disarmament, 440Fabulous
  country, the only f. country, 69Face
  fair in f., 200
  round, jolly, fruitful f., 1313Fact
  finding of f., 582
  marries old opinion to new f., 1837
  merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease, 585
  Sit down before f. as a little child, 263, 583
  wordy evidence of the f., 1692Factories
  walk alone in huge f., 987Facts, 582585
  Dr. F. (Bernard M. Baruch), 1262
  for the people of my country, 582
  have a cruel way of substituting themselves for fancies, 584
  imagination for his f., 1175
  Practical politics consists in ignoring f., 1409
  report the f., 748
  right to be wrong in his f., 1262
  state the f. as they really occurred, 1748
  subject all f. to a prefabricated set of interpretations, 1268
  Trust them [the people] with the f., 1343
  tyranny of f., 585
  What are f. but compromises?, 585
  when he states his f. that you admire the flights of his imagination, 1175Fade
  like a dream, 1220
  they [old soldiers] just f. away, 1727Faded
  the flower, 1219
  the shape of beauty, 1219
  the sight of beauty, 1219Fail
  hard to f., 589
  no use for men who f., 588
  shall not f., 688
  to meet [challenges], 229
  With public sentiment, nothing can f., 1557
  With that assistance, I cannot f., 1497Failed
  A man’s life is interesting primarily when he has f., 586Failings
  reading about one’s f in the daily papers, 1522Fails
  while daring greatly, 10Failure, 586590
  Ambition is the last refuge of the f., 590
  behind every man who’s a f. there’s a woman, too, 2017
  cause of their f. is no business of mine, 588
  consequences of f., 1784
  Never submit to f., 2088
  Not f., but low aim, is crime, 587
  sign that he tried to surpass himself, 586
  throw the stone of malice when f. settles its cloud upon our heads, 446
  [Water] as a beverage, it’s a failure, 1978Fair
  determine to be adult and f., 524
  for me and foul for another, 115
  many things in life that are not f., 1085
  we have as leaders an obligation to be f., 418Fairies
  not believe in f., 1660Fairness
  of the trial, 117