
Hoyt & Roberts, comps. Hoyt’s New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. 1922.


And finds with keen, discriminating sight,
Black’s not so black—nor white so very white.
Canning—New Morality.

And for to se, and eek for to be seye.
Chaucer—Canterbury Tales. The Wife of Bath. Preamble. L. 6,134.

The age, wherein he lived was dark; but he
Could not want sight, who taught the world to see.
Denham. In Todd’s Johnson.

The rarer sene, the lesse in mynde,
The lesse in mynde, the lesser payne.
Barnaby Googe—Sonnettes. Out of Syght, Out of Mynde.

See and to be seen.
Ben Jonson—Epithalamion. St. 3. L. 4. Goldsmith—Children of the World. Letter 71.

And every eye
Gaz’d as before some brother of the sky.
Homer—Odyssey. Bk. VIII. L. 17. Pope’s trans.

For sight is woman-like and shuns the old.
(Ah! he can see enough, when years are told,
Who backwards looks.)
Victor Hugo—Eviradnus. IX.

Two men look out through the same bars:
One sees the mud, and one the stars.
Frederick Langbridge—In A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts. Pub. by the Religious Tract Society.

Then purg’d with euphrasy and rue
The visual nerve, for he had much to see.
Milton—Paradise Lost. Bk. XI. L. 414.

He that had neither beene kithe nor kin,
Might have seene a full fayre sight.
Thomas Percy—Reliques of Ancient Poetry. Robin Hood and Guy of Gisborne.

For any man with half an eye,
What stands before him may espy;
But optics sharp it needs I ween,
To see what is not to be seen.
John Trumbull—McFingal. Canto I. L. 67.

Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum.
A monster frightful, formless, immense, with sight removed.
Vergil—Æneid. III. 658.