
Home  »  Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages  »  Erring, Error

Robert Christy, comp. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages. 1887.

Erring, Error

A monarch’s errors are forbidden game.Cowper.

Each is enslaved by the same error and the only difference is it mocks them in different ways.Horace.

Erring is not cheating.German.

Error is always in haste.

Error is no payment.Italian.

Error though blind herself sometimes brings forth children that can see.

Errors in the first concoction are hardly mended in the second.

Every age confutes old errors and begets new.

Find earth where grows no weed and you may find a heart where no error grows.Knowles.

He never errs who sacrifices himself.Bulwer.

He who stops half way is only half in error.German.

Him who errs forgive once, but never twice.Spanish.

Improve rather by other men’s errors than find fault with them.

It is a manly act to forsake an error.

It is human to err but diabolical to persevere.

No errors are so dangerous as those of great men.

Nothing can give stability and durable uniformity to error.Bolingbroke.

One error breeds twenty more.

The errors of young men are the ruin of business.Bacon.

To err again on the same string.

To err is human, to forgive divine.Pope, German, Dutch.

To err is human, to persevere in error is the act of a fool.Latin.

Who errs in the tens errs in the thousands.Italian.