Sample Solution from
21st Century Astronomy
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780393428063
Chapter 1
Problem 1QP
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To determine

The rank in the order of smallest to largest.

Expert Solution


The rank in the order of smallest to largest is f<e<c<b<a<h<g<d.

Explanation of Solution

Earth revolves around the Sun, and the diameter of sun is about 109 times greater than the diameter of Earth. Sun>Earth.

Solar System is the gravitationally bound system which consists of Sun, Earth and other bodies. Solar system>Sun.

Milky Way galaxy is the galaxy in which the solar system reside. Milky Way> Solar system.

Local Group is the group of few dozen galaxies like Milky Way galaxy. Local group> Milky Way.

Virgo Supercluster is the group of thousands of galaxies. Virgo Supercluster>local group.

Laniakea Supercluster is the even larger grouping of galaxies than Virgo supercluster. Laniakea Supercluster > Virgo Supercluster.

Universe is the all of space and time that exist. Universe> Laniakea Supercluster.


The rank in the order of smallest to largest is Earth<Sun<Solar system<Milky way<local group<milkyway<virgo supercluster< Laniakea Supercluster<Universe.

The rank in the order of smallest to largest is f<e<c<b<a<h<g<d.

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