Sample Solution from
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management
13th Edition
ISBN: 9781337627900
Chapter 1
Problem 1RQ
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Explanation of Solution


Data is set of variables which are used for describing specific topic. It can be meaningless sometimes, which can be translated to efficient manner. Data can be numbers, symbols, figures, characters and many others.


Field is a single bit or set of data or characters used for defining certain topic or characteristic. The data can be both numeric and alphanumeric. It can specify a mobile number, time or any other topic or characteristic which the user wants to specify.


Record is a set of fields which has information of at least one variable or item. It describes clearly about the item using fields. For example, a File record has fields which describe its terms like file name, file size and many such.


File is a collection of folders that contain different types of data. It can be any format like document or excel or power point. It has information in different formats like table, text, pictures and many such.

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