The only two remaining artifacts I am working toward completing are the Program Evaluation Analysis and Public health and educational entities correspondence which both satisfy
CEPH 14, Advocate for political, social or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations. The public health program I was tasked with developing was launched near the end of February and lasted four weeks, thus far the participation feedback has been amazing, and the program evaluation phase is currently in progress. The necessary skills needed to complete these final two artifacts and understanding of basic computer skills to organize and consolidate the public health correspondence I have received in reference to assistance with, adoption of, and funding for the Emulate program and an understanding of program evaluation methods and processes. To complete the program evaluation analysis, I am not only utilizing templates I have received via my SNHU coursework, but also closely following
the CDC evaluation guidelines. The practicum site evaluation team has also assisted me by critiquing my work along the way and providing recommendations portaging to any revisions that may be needed. Having the templates to organize the data and ensure all pertinent information is present within the document will allow me to easily make any modifications prior to converting into the final, polished format. Accurate evaluation will allow for any gaps within the program to be immediately remedied, provide proof of the programs benefit and successes to stakeholders, and will provide information necessary to provide when applying for grants to assist in expanding and further developing the program to reach a wider audience.