Special Education in General Education Classroom
Why must the IEP team work together to develop a student’s IEP?
When looking at IEP one must consider all the various parts. An effective IEP team must come together and look closely at the students and their individuals needs that help the student to the fullest capacity. Each one brings knowledge and experience to the student that helps complete the picture of what the student may need. The IEP team must brainstorm and collaborate to find ways to provide the appropriate accommodations and modifications to help the student succeed.
Why is Universal Design for Living (UDL) important for many students with moderate to severe disabilities in order for them to be included in a general education classroom?
UDL improves accessibility in the classroom creating an equal playing field for both GenEd and SPED students. UDL knows students come from diverse backgrounds and also have individual needs that will need to be supported. UDL can reduce the barriers that can keep some students from learning in a GenEd classroom by breaking these barriers down and providing instruction that can be had by all. Using UDL, teachers create a learning environment that is flexible, and students can respond to it.
Based on your reading, explain in your own words why it’s critical that paraprofessionals (teaching assistants or aides) be paired with classroom teachers appropriately.
Paraprofessionals are an important part of the school system. They are an extension of the teachers and help fill in the gaps that teachers cannot. Paraprofessionals work closely with educators to make sure needs are met and