Astr Final Cheat Sheets (1)
Binghamton University *
*We aren’t endorsed by this school
Dec 6, 2023
Uploaded by ProfIce10275
(diagram shows the rota/on curve for the Milky Way. 1 km/s = 1000 m/s) 1 ly = 9.46 x
1015m. mass of the Sun = 2 x 1030kg.
1 x 10^11 Msun
(diagram shows the rota/on curve for the Milky Way. 1 km/s = 1000 m/s) From the Sun,
the distance to the Galac/c Center is about
8,000 pc
-1.5 magnitude Sirius appears 25x brighter than second magnitude Polaris
A blue star has a higher surface temperature than a red star.
A blue star with a peak wavelength in the UV has a higher surface temp than a red star
with a peak wavelength in the IR
According to the universal law of gravita/on, if you double the masses of both aVrac/ng
objects, then the gravita/onal force between them will
- increase by a factor of 4.
According to Newton's second law (F=ma), if you double the force ac/ng on a body, the
accelera/on will double
A main sequence star has an absolute magnitude of 2.
What would be the approx.
luminosity of the star and what would be the spectra class? –
13.5 Lsun; spectral class A
planet or comet will speed up as approaching the sun?
A skater can spin faster by pulling her arms closer to her body or spin slower by
spreading her arms out from her body. Assume a skater pulls her arms in and her speed
increases by a factor of 3. What can be said to be true.
The radius of spin decreased by
a factor of 3.
A solar mass star will evolve off the main sequence when
It builds up a core of inert
A television adver/sement claiming that a product is light years……
it uses “light years”
to talk about Lme, but a light-year is a unit of distance
A type B9 star is hoVer than a type A0
According to Wein's law, the wavelength of the peak energy will be ________ if the
temperature of the blackbody is doubled
. - halved
According to Hubble's Law, the greater a galaxy's redshib,the
it is from us
According to Newton’s law of universal graviatoin, if the M were 6x further from E,
force by E on the M would
decrease by a factor of 36
According to the Hubble Law graph shown, a galaxy cluster with a recessional velocity of
25,000 km/s will be
400 million pcs away
According to the inverse square law of light, how will the apparent brightness of an
object change if its stance to us triples?
Its apparent brightness will decrease by a
factor of 9
According to Wein’s law, the higher the surface temperature of a star,the redder its color
According to Wein’s Law if the surface temp is increased by a factor of 6 its peak
wavelength will
decrease by a factor of 6
According to Wein's law, the wavelength of the peak energy will be ________ if the
temperature of
the blackbody is doubled.
: Halved
According to the universal law of gravita/on, if you double the masses of both aVrac/ng
then the gravitaLonal force between them will increase by a factor of 4
A circular orbit would have an eccentricity of
A comp accessory salesman aVempts to convince
Neutrinos rarely if ever interact with
your computer
Aber a massive-star supernova, what is leb behind?
either a neutron star or a
black hole
Aber a supernova event, what is leb behind?
either a neutron star or a black hole
A high-mass star dies more violently than a low-mass star because
it generates more
a liTle over a million
All but one of the following statements describe why scien/sts doubt the solar sunspot
cycle affect global climate
Solar winds can affect satellite communicaLon
All neutron stars are pulsars, but not all pulsars are neutron stars.
All of the following statements are true. Which one explains the reason why there is not
a solar eclipse at every new moon?
The orbital plane of the m is Llted by 5
all others
All radio telescopes are reflectors in design
All stars spend approximately the same amount of /me on the main sequence
All stars that become supernovae will leave behind a neutron star
All the following statements are true. Which one explains the reason that there is not a
solar eclipse at every new Moon?
The orbital plane of the moon is Llted slightly (about
5 degrees) to the eclipLc plane
A loop of gas and charged par/cles following the mag field lines between sunspots poles
a prominence/filament
Although it is difficult to tell from our vantage point inside the galaxy, MW spiral
A main sequence star of 8 solar masses will be approx. 4000x more luminous than the
and its core eventually collapses very suddenly?
An O-star has a hoVer surface temp than the S, Therefore compared to the S
emission peaks in the blue part of the spectrum
A par/cular nebula is a hot, thin cloud of glowing gas, so its emission spectrum looks like
f=8.9x10^14hz and E=5.9x10^-19J
A par/cular star has an absolute magnitude of M=-0.3. Determine the lum…
A par/cular star has an angle of parallax of 0.1 arcsecs. What is the distance
about 33 ly
A par/cular star in a binary star systems orbits the other with an average orbital radius
of 3AU and a period of 5 yrs. What is the sum of the masses of the 2 radius
A planet (or comet) will speed up as it approaches the Sun
A planet whose distance from the Sun is 5 AU would have an orbital period of how many
A planet whose distance from the S is 3 A.U orbital period = √
A planet whose distance from the Sun is 18 AU orbital period =
Apparent magnitude is a measure of a star’s
brightness, as seen form Earth.
apparent magnitude is m=3.75.
224 pc
Approximately how far is the Sun from the center of the galaxy?
27,000 light-years
A protostar moves onto the main sequence with a mass of 0.18 solar masses. the
luminosity of the star and hence its spectral type.
A protostar moves onto the main sequence with a mass of 3.2 (or 5.6)
solar masses. the
of the star and hence its spectral type.
A protostar moves onto the main sequence with a mass of 3.2 solar masses
A protostar of 50 solar masses will probably turn into a type O main sequence star.
A protostar of 50 solar masses will probably turn into a type O main sequence star
A pulsa/ng variable star w/period of 10d would be a Cepheid hve abs mag of -4.2
A pulsa/ng variable star w/period of 50d would be a Cepheid hve ab smag of -6.3
A radio telescope (collects radio light waves) and an op/cal telescope (collects visible
light) of the same size have the same angular resolu/on
A radio telescope and an op/cal telescope of the same size have the same D
around Earth.
As a star begins to evolve away from the main sequence, it gets larger
A sidereal year is defined as
the Lme it takes for Earth to complete an orbit around the
As it moves in its orbit, Earth is always exactly 1AU from the Sun
A solar eclipse can occur only when the Moon is new.
A solar eclipse can only occur when the Moon is new
As originally stated, the Copernican model did no beVer a job of predic/ng planetary
behavior than did the Ptolemaic one. Hence neither model could be “disproved”
Assume that in the future, a telescope is built on Europa and measures a parallax of 1.3”
Procyon lies about 13 light years distant. What must be the baseline
A star (no maVer what its mass) spends most of its life:
as a main sequence star
A star has an absolute magnitude of -6 and an apparent magnitude of +12. What is the
distance to the star?
A star has an apparent magnitude of 3 and an absolute magnitude of -1.
Determine the
distance to the star. –
63 parsec
A star has an apparent magnitude of +7 and an absolute magnitude of -4. What is the
distance to the star?
1585 pc
A star has a space velocity of 15 km/sec and a transverse velocity of 12 km/
The radial velocity is 9 km/s away from Earth
A star is on the horizontal branch of the H-R diagram.true?
both hydrogen&
A star of ½ sun’s diameter, but twice as hot, would be 4x more luminous than the sun
A star of apparent magnitude +5 appears
than a star of apparent magnitude +3
A star of ten solar masses would probably stay stable on the main sequence only about
1/1000th as long as our Sun.
A star of ten solar masses would probably stay stale on the main sequence only about
1/1000th as long as our Sun
A star of the Sun's diameter, but three /mes as hot, must be 81X more luminous than
the Sun.
A star of the Sun's diameter, but twice as hot, must be 16X more luminous than
A star of the S’s diameter but 5x hoVer must be 625x more luminous than the S
A star’s abs mag and its app mag have the same numerical value. How far is this star
A star with a parallax angle of 0.05" is –
20 parsec away. Aprox 3.24x more
As the sun evolves into a red giant in the distant future with a surface temp of about
its peak on the Planck curve will move into the infrared
A supernova occurred 10,000 years from now in a galaxy 50,000 light years away will be
observed on earth
40,000 years from now
A supernova that occurred 30,000 years ago in a galaxy 100,000 light years away will be
observed on Earth
70,000y from now
A supernova occurred 60,000 years ago in a galaxy 20,000 light years away. When was/
will be the event observed on Earth?
40,000 years ago
As we look at larger scales in the universe, we find
a larger and larger percentage of the
maTer is dark
At apogee the moon is at its farthest from earth and thus appears smaller than normal.
Because of this it has the smallest angular size in the sky at this /me.
A telescope with a 600 mm objec/ve lens collects how many /mes as much light as does
your eye's 6 mm exit pupil?
At perigee the moon is at its closest from earth and thus appears larger than normal and
is moving fastest in its orbit around earth
At the distance of Jupiter (6 /mes further away from the Sun than Earth) the amount of
sunlight received per square cen/meter is different by what factor?
36 Lmes less
At the distance of Jupiter the amount of sunlight received per square cen/meter
different by what factor:
12 Lmes less
At very large distances from the Sun, its corona turns in to the solar wind.
At which of these Kelvin temp would a blackbody radiate400-700nm
A type A9I star is the same temperature as a type A9V star.
A year is defined as
the Lme it takes for Earth to complete an orbit around the Sun
Based on current es/mates of the value of Hubble's constant, how old is the universe?
12-16 billion years old
Because they all involve the detona/on of a carbon-rich white dwarf at Chandrasekhar's
limit, all type I supernovae are equally luminous and hence are excellent standard
Betelgeuse is the bright red star represen/ng the leb should of the constella/on Orion.
All the following statements about B are true. Which one can you infer from its red
The peak intensity of radiaLon is likely in the IR range.
By approximately how many x dimmer is the star Sirius (m=-1.7) than the full Moon
(m=-13) in our sky?
33,000x dimmer
By what mechanism does solar energy reach the Sun's photosphere from the layer just
Calculate the diffrac/on limit if the Hubble Space Telescope is using a green filter of
556nm and has a diameter of 10 meters
0.014 arcsec
Careful measurements reveal that a star maintains a steady app brightness at most
/mes expect that a precise interval of 127
the star is a member of eclipsing
Colors appear different to us because of their photons' different:
Compared to a cluster containing type O and B stars, a cluster with only type F&cooler
stars will be
Compared to the star it evolved from, a red giant is
cooler and brighter
Compared with our sun, most stars in the halo are:
Old, red and dim and have fewer
heavy elements.
Compared with stars in the disk, orbits of stars in the halo
are ellipLcal, with random
Consider HR diagram ONE on the cover sheet. Find Capella and the Sun. Es/mate how
many /mes bigger or smaller Capella than Sun
between 9 and 10x bigger
Consider the HR diagram on the cover sheet of the exam, which of the following lists if
the correct sequence of stars in order of increasing intrinsic brightness
Procyon B, Sirius
B, the sun, Deneb
Consider the image below which shoes the top of the convec/on zone….If one par/cular
spectral line has a rest wavelength of 480.00 nm, what is the measured wavelength of
the same line from the diagram?
480.48 nm
Consider the images below which shows the top of the convec/on zone of the Sun. The
paVern of rising hot gas cells all over the photosphere is called
Consider the HR diagram shown here. What would be the likely classifica/on of star B:
Consider this diagram, which statement is true, updown4, lebright6
the wavelength is 6
Consider this diagram. Which statement is true?
The amplitude is 4.
Constella/ons are close clusters of stars, all at about the same distance from the Sun.
Constella/ons are close clusters of stars, all at about the same distance from the Sun.
Constella/ons r close clusters of stars all at about the same distance fromS
Copernicus’s S centered model of the SS gave much beVer predic/ons than Ptolemy
Degeneracy pressure is the source of the pressure that stops the crush of gravity in all
the following except
a very massive main-sequence star.
Detailed measurements of the disk and central bulge region. According to Hubble's
classifica/on, the Milky Way would most likely be classified as
Detailed measurements of the disk and central bulge region of our Galaxy suggest our
Milky Way is a
barred spiral galaxy
detec/on of neutron stars has been compared to observing a lighthouse. in the
lighthouse model,
the star literally turns on and off like a lighthouse beacon
Determine the eccentricity of this ellipse if one of the foci is at x=2
Determine (calculate) the Hubble class for this ellip/cal galaxy.I have approx. outlined
the galaxy with an ellipse and a ruler is provided.
Determine the orbital period of Neptune if the syno/c period is 1.00616 years.
164 yrs
Determine the orbital period of Uranus if the syno/c period is 1.013 yrs
84 yrs
Doubling the distance between 2 objects halves the gravita/onal force btw
During the Hydrogen shell burning phase:
The star grows more luminous
Dr. Smith believes H0 =70 km/s/Mpc. Dr. Jones believes H0 = 50 km/s/Mpc.
Dr. Smith
believes that the universe is younger than Dr. Jones believes.
Dr. X believes that the Hubble constant is H0 = 55 km/s/Mpc. Dr. Y believes it is H0 = 80
Dr. X believes that the universe is older than Dr. Y believes.
During the period each year when we see Mars undergoing apparent retrograde mo/on
in our sky, what is really going on in space?
Earth is catching up with and passing by
Mars in their respecLve orbits.
Each choice below lists a spectral type and luminosity class for a star. Which one is a
Spectral type m2 , luminosity class I
Earth is always precisely 1AU from the Sun all year around
Energy from the core of the S first travels slowly through a convec/on zone and then
much faster through the outer radia/on zone.
Energy from the core of the Sun first travels slowly through the convec/on zone and
then much faster through the radia/on zone
Eventually, all low mass stars will become white, then black, dwarfs.
Every red dwarf star (M<0.01MSun) that ever joined the main sequence is s/ll there
Every second, the Sun converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen in 596 million tons of
helium. the remaining 4 million tons of mass is
converted to an amount of energy=4
million tons Lmes the speed of light squared
Everything looks red through a red filter because
the filter transmits red light and absorbs
Except for hydrogen and most of the helium, all the elements have been formed through
stellar nucleosynthesis.
For a nova or a Type 1a Supernova to occur, the system must have already been a
transfer binary
For a star of 10 solar masses, its main sequence life span will be
only 1/1000th of the
For our Sun, the produc/on of carbon will be the end of its nucleosynthesis
For this ques/on, see the parallax equa/on on the coversheet for the baseline of Pluto’s
orbit. The semimajor axis of Pluto’s orbit is 40AU,0001arcsec
40,000 pc
From Earth, the S and M have about the same ang distance. Hence, during a solar eclipse
the M just barely blocks the sun’s disc allowing for the outer atmosphere of the sun to
be observed
From hoVest to coolest, the order of the spectral types of stars is -
From Kepler's third law, a hypothe/cal planet that is twice as far from the Sun as Earth
should have a period of
more than 2 Earth years.
From Kepler 3
law, an asteroid with an orbital of 8 yrs
4 astronomical units
From laboratory measurements, we know that a par/cular spectral line formed by
hydrogen appears at a wavelength of 121.6 nanometers (nm). The spectrum of a
par/cular star shows the same hydrogen line appearing at a wavelength of 121.8 nm.
What can we conclude?
The star is moving away from us at about 500 km/s.
From laboratory measurements, we know that a par/cular spectral line formed by
hydrogen appears at a wavelength of 121.6 nanometers (nm). The spectrum of a
par/cular star shows the same hydrogen line appearing at a wavelength of 122.8 nm.
What can we conclude?-
the star is moving away from us at approx 3000 km/s
From the center outward, which of the following lists the "layers" of the Sun in the
correct order
core, radiaLon zone, convecLon zone, photosphere, chromosphere,
Galaxies look the same whether viewed in visible or X-ray wavelengths.
Galileo's observa/ons of the en/re phase cycle of Venus, of the moons of Jupiter, of the
scarred surfaces of the Moon, of Sunspots on the Sun, etc. all were crucial pieces of
evidence that helped solidify the Copernican Revolu/on.
Galileo observed the phenomenon of solar rota/on in the early 1600s
measuring the
moLon of sunspots across the solar surface
Galileo’s observa/ons of sunspots proved the Sun was rota/ng, like the Earth.
Gamma Rays are a type of electromagne/c radia/on produced in stars.
Given: the planets orbi/ng the nearby star 51 Pegasi, 20x, 400x, M=5.98 x 10^24, R=
6.37x 10^6 ,
weight = the same as you do here
Granula/on is the most obvious proof of solar convec/ve energy transport.
Granula/on is the most obvious proof of solar convec/ve energy transport
Grass (that is healthy) looks green bc
it reflects green light and absorbs other colors
Grass is green because it absorbs green light, reflec/ng all other colors
Green light has a shorter wavelength than orange light. In a 5 inch Newtonian Reflector
Telescope, green light will:
provide beTer angular resoluLon than orange light
Halving the distance between two objects doubles the gravita/onal force between them
Harlow Shapley concluded that the sun was not in the center of the milky way galaxy by
mapping the distribuLon of globular clusters in the galaxy
have a period of
more than 2 yrs
HenrieVa LeaviV first showed the rela/onship between the mass and luminosity of
Cepheids and their period of pulsa/on; the brighter, the longer this period.
HenrieVa Swan LeaviV first showed the rela/onship between the mass and
history of the universe than Galaxy 2
How are the event horizon and Schwarzschild radius related?
The Schwarzschild radius is
equal to the distance from the singularity of a black hole to the
event horizon.
How are wavelength, frequency, and energy related for photons of light?
wavelength means lower frequency and lower energy.
How much stronger is the gravita/onal pull of the Sun on Earth, at 1 AU, than it is on
Saturn at 10 AU?
How much stronger is the gravita/onal pull of the Sun on Earth, at 1 AU, than it would
be if Earth were at 10 AU
How can we characterize the rota/on of the S?
differenLal rotaLon with the equator
rotaLng faster than the poles.
How did Edwin Hubble measure the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy?
He applied the
period-luminosity relaLon to Cepheid variables
How did the Ptolemaic model explain the apparent retrograde mo/on of the planets?
It held that the planets moved along small circles that moved on larger circles around
How does the light-collec/ng area of an 8-meter telescope compare to that of a 2-meter
The 8 meter telescope has 16 Lmes the light-collecLng area of the 2-meter
How do we know that halo stars are older, on average, then disk stars?
There are no
Blue halo
how is the sunspot cycle directly relevant to us here on earth?
coronal mass ejecLons
and other acLvity associated with the sunspot cycle can disrupt radio
How long does the Sunspots cycle last on average?
About 11 years
How long is the precession cycle?
26000 years
How many stars could you see with your naked eye on a clear, moonless night from a
dark loca/on?
A few Thousand
How many planet Earths could fit inside the Sun? Rsun=109REarth
about 5 million
How many planet Earths could fit inside the Sun?v=4/3πR^3 diameter=109 Earth dia
liTle over a million
How was Edwin Hubble able to use his discovery of a Cepheid in Andromeda to prove
that the “spiral nebulae” were actually en/re galaxies?
from the period-luminosity
relaLon for cepheid
How would you expect a star that formed recently in the disk of the galaxy to differ from
one that formed early in the history of the disk?
It should have a higher frzcLon of
elements heavier than hydrogen and helium
Hydrosta/c equilibrium in our Sun is the balance between
gravitaLon and pressure
If a material is highly opaque, then it
absorbs most light
If a source of light is approaching us at 3000 km/sec, then all waves
blue shiped by 1%
If a star has a parallax of 0.05°, then its distance in light years is about
65 light years
If a star were moved 10 /mes farther away, its abs mag would drop 5 magnitudes.
If a wave’s frequency doubles, its wavelength
is halved
If Star A is closer to us than Star B,then Star A’s parall angle is
larger than that of Star B
If the distance between us and a star is doubled, the apparent brightness is decreased by
a factor of four.
If the distance between us and a star is increased by a factor of 5, the apparent
is decreased by a factor of 25.
If the Hubble Constant is 70 km/sec/Mpc, the accelera/ng universe is about 5 billion
years old.
If the rest wavelength of a certain spectral line is 600nm, but we observe it at 700nm/
594nm then
the source is moving away form us at 50,000/the source is approaching us
at 1% of the speed of light
If the S-E separa/on was 10AU instead of 1AU what would the flux of sunlight
100x less
If the source of light is approaching us at 3,000km/s, then all waves
blue shiped by 1%
If the star rises about 9PM 2nite and with the sidereal day being 4mins less
If the sun were replaced by a one solar mass black hole
we would sLll orbit it in a
period of one year
If the temp of the solar surface is 5800K and Wien’s law for the peak t=2.9X10^6
If we have a new Moon today, when we will have the next full moon?
In about 2 weeks
If we observe one edge of a star to be redshibed and the oppoite edge to be blue shibed
what can we conclude about the star?
The star is rotaLng
If you are in the Moon's umbral shadow, then you will witness
a total solar eclipse
Improvements in tech will eventually allow the en/re electromagne/c
In 1924, Edwin Hubble proved that the Andromeda Galaxy lay far behind the bounds of
the milky was he able to prove this?
He proved this by observing individual
Chepheid variable stars in Andromeda and applying the period-luminosity relaLon.
In a binary system, the less massive star always remain farther from the center of mass
In a binary system, the more massive stars always stay closer to the center of mass and
move slower
In addi/on to the condi/ons required for any solar eclipse what must also be true to
observe a total solar eclipse?
The moon’s umbra must touch the area
In a spectroscopic binary, if a pair shows a combined set of lines tonight, but a max split
of two nights later, its orbital period must be
In a spectroscopic binary system, one star shows a large blue shib and the other is
showing a small redshib. What conclusion can be drawn from this informa/on?
The less
massive star is approaching us at this moment
In a spectroscopic binary, the star whose lines shib the most weighs the most.
In a spectroscopic binary system, the star showing the larger blue shib is
less massive
and approaching us at this moment
In astronomy, an interferometer can be used to
improve the angular resoluLon of radio
In class we modeled the solar system using a yellow ball for the Sun (1 to 10 billion
On this scale, it would take about 10 - 15 minutes to walk from the Sun to the
inner edge of the Kuiper Belt (Pluto).
For reference the distance from the Earth the Sun
is 1 AU and the distance to Pluto is about 70 AU.
In order to turn a star’s proper mo/on into its space velocity, we must also know:
distance and radial velocity
In the HR diagram on the cover sheet of the exam, which is correct sequence of
increasing temperature?
Sun, Procyon b, Deneb, Sirius B
In the lighthouse model:
If the beam sweeps across us, we will detect a pulse of
In the previous ques/on one star
is exhibi/ng a blue shib, the other is exhibi/ng a
redshib (has a picture) . 4:1, 4:1, 8, 20 AU
158 years
In the proton-proton cycle, .007 of the mass ends up as energy, with the remaining mass
ul/mately becoming helium.
In the proton-proton cycle, 0.007% of the mass ends up as energy, not helium
In the proton-proton cycle, the helium atom and neutrino have less mass than the
original hydrogen. What happens to the “lost” mass
it is converted to energy
In the proton-proton cycle, you must first make deuterium then helium
In the sobball model of the ss it would take a few minutes 2
walk from the
In what range of masses are most stars found?
.1 to 100 solar masses
It is diffrac/on that limits the
of a telescopes objec/ve
It is impossible to tell the difference between the two types of supernovae.
It is much easier to build large reflec/ng telescopes than large refrac/ng
It is now believed the majority of mass for most galaxies lies in their dark halos.
It is possible to view the M in first-quarter phase the same day as a total
It the radius of a body were doubled, its gravita/onal pull would become 4X stronger.
It took 2 centuries for the Copernican model to replace Ptolemaic model bc
there was
no scienLfic evidence to support either model 5
It took two centuries for the Copernican model to replaced the Ptolemaic model b/c
there was no scienLfic evidence to support either model unLl galileo made his
It was the distribu/on of
globular clusters
that showed Harlow Shapley we were no
Johannes Kepler analyzed data gathered by Tycho and discovered that the
Jupiter is 300x more massive than earth. How much stronger is the gravita/onal pull of
the sun on earth at 1au than it is on jupiter at 5au?
Kepler’s 1 law worked where Copernicu’ original heliocentric model failed bc
not circular
Kepler’s 2
law implies what about planetary mo/on?
A planet moves faster when
closer to the sun
Kepler’s 3
law, p2=a3 means that
all the above are correct
Kepler’s first law worked, where Copernicus’ original heliocentric model failed, because
Kepler described the orbits as
ellipLcal, not circular
Light leaving a point source spreads out so that the app brightness b of light per unit
area varies with distance d according to which of the following laws
b ∞ 1/d^2
Lines of a par/cular element appear at the same wavelength in both emissi
Locate Procyon A on HR diagram 3 of the cover sheet.
Es/ma/ng the surface
temperature, determine the peak wavelength of radia/on coming from the surface if
this star-
Locate Rigel and Betelgeuse on HR Diagram 1 on the cover sheet.
Both stars have
approximately the same luminosity, but different temperatures.
Apply the Stefan-
Boltsmann rela/on to es/mate how many /mes bigger Betelguese is than Rigel.
Approximately 45 Lmes larger.
Locate Regulus on the HR diagram on the cover sheet and es/mate the luminosity
rela/ve to the S. if the surface temp of Regulis 12,500k, 5800k,
Low mass stars should produce white dwarfs, while high mass star will produce more
compact and dense end product s
Lunar eclipses are more commonly seen than solar eclipses
Massive, more luminous stars have shorter lives than their smaller, dimmer
Mass transfer in binaries occurs when one giant swells to reach the
Roche Lobe
Mean temperature in Europe during the Maunder min when virtually no
lower than avg
Mercury, with a higher eccentricity orbit, should change its orbital speed more than do
Venus or Earth
Mercury, with a higher eccentricity orbit, should change its orbital speed as a percent
more than do low eccen/city Venus or Earth
Modern astronomers have observed the complete life
cycle for many stars, making
stellar evolu/on one of the best-tested astronomical theories.:
Most of the current star forma/on in the Milky Way occurs in spiral arms
Most stars are born in clusters containing hundreds to thousands of stars
Neutron stars do not have
rotaLon periods comparable to the sun’s
Neutron stars have extremely high density.V=4/3πR^3,2 solar masses, 21.6km,
2x10^30kg. density?
No maVer where you live on E, the Sun is always directly overhead at noon
Observa/ons of the cosmic background radia/on from the COBE satellite revealed /ny
observed on Earth
40,000 years from now
Of all the forms of electromagne/c radia/on, the one with the lowest f is
radio waves
On a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, where would we find red giant stars?
upper right
On an H-R diagram, a protostar would be:
Above and to the right of the main sequence
On a HR diagram, where would you find stars that are cool and dim?
Lower right
On an HR diagram, where would you find stars that are hot but not very luminous?
Lower lep
On an H-R diagram, stellar radii
increase diagonally from the lower lep to upper right
One light-hour is the distance that light travels in an hour. How far in this in kilometers?
1.08 billion km
One reason for building telescopes on mountain tops is that they improve seeing by
reducing the amount of air above the observer
On the cover sheet locate Capella on HR diagram 1.
Taking values from the graph,
calculate approximately how many /mes larger Capella is than the Sun.
9x larger than
the Sun
On the cover sheet there is an ellipse. Determine the ecentricity of this ellispse.
On the H-R diagram a star classified as M2Ia would be located
at the top right
On the H-R diagram, red supergiants like Betelguese lie
at the top right
On the H-R diagram, the sun lies
about the middle of the main sequence
On the main sequence, almost all stars have radii between about 0.1 and 10 /mes the
Open clusters and young stars are generally found only in the disk of the galaxy
Open clusters and young stars are generally found only in the disk of the galaxy and not
in the halo.
Op/cal telescopes are usually used only at night but radio telescopes
Our Milky Way is now known to be quite similar to the nearby Andromeda Galaxy,
Our solar system consists of
the sun and all the objects that orbit it
Our sun is a star of spectral type
Our Sun will end its life in a planetary nebula and become a white dwarf
Over the course of a night, Polaris moves less than any other visible star
Over the course of a night in the Northern Hemisphere, Polaris moves less than any
other visible star in the sky.
Over the course of a night in the Northern Hemisphere, Polaris moves less than any
other visible star in the sky.
Over /me, the star-gas-star cycle leads the gas in the Milky Way to
have a greater
abundance of heavy elements.
Perhaps the greatest of the Greek Astronomers, Hipparchus complied the first catalog of
stars accurately measured their posi/ons
photosphere at 570 nm is:
Procyon lies about 13 light years distant, thus its parallax is about
Professional astronomical telescopes generally have a much greater magni
Recall that Hubble's law is wriVen v = H0d, Suppose H0 = 65 km/s/Mpc. 500
megaparsecs distant
32,500 km/s
Recall that Hubble’s law is wriVen v=H0d, where v is the recession velocity of a galaxy.
H0=65 km/s/mpc galaxy located 500 megaparsecs distant be receding form us?
Refer to the figure which is the expected evolu/onary path of the Sun. What happens at
posi/on 9?
Helium flash
Refer to the figure which represents the expected evolu/onary path of the Sun.
phase represents the planetary nebula phase?
Regulus is at a distance of 24pc and has a radial velocity of 6.1km/s. Determine the
proper mo/on of Regulus if the space velocity is 28.3
0.24 arcsec/yr
Rota/on curves for spiral galaxies show
most have dark halos
Scien/sts today do not accept the Ptolemaic model bc
the work of Tycho and Kepler
showed the heliocentric model was more accurate
Shapley found that globular clusters are only found in the Galac/c bulge.
Shapley used the distribu/on of globular clusters in the galaxy to determine that the Sun
was not at the center of the Milky Way
Sirius is a star with spectral type A star and Rigel is a star with spectral type B star. What
can we conclude?
Rigel has a higher surface temperature than Sirius
Spectral lines are oben referred to as stars fingerprints bc
all of these are
Spectral Lines are produced when an electron makes a transi/on from one energy state
to another?
Spectral lines observed in the granules seen at the center of the S’s disk are
near the center of the granule and redshiped near the edge of the granul
Spectral type, surface temp and color all describe the same basic characteris/c of star
Spectral types of stars uniquely define their
surface temperatures
Spectroscopy of a star can reveal its temperature, composi/on, and radial velocity
Spiral arms are regions of star forma/on, which accounts for their blue color
Star A and Star B both have an apparent magnitude of 2.0 but star A has an absolute
magnitude of +3.0 and star B has an abs mag of -5.0
Star A and star b appear to have
the same brightness but actually star B is brighter thanA
Star A and star B both have an apparent magnitude of 4.0, but star A has an absolute
magnitude of 1.0 and star B has an absolute magnitude of 7.0. Which statement below is
Star A and star B appear to have the same brightness, but actually star A is
brighter than star B.
Star A and Star B both have an apparent magnitude of 4.0 but star A has an absolute
magnitude of 1.0 and star B has an abs mag of 7.0
Star A and star b appear to have the
same brightness but actually star A is brighter than B
Star A and star B have the same apparent magnitude. Star A is three /mes as distant as
star B. Therefore, star A has three /mes the luminosity as star B.
Star A and star B have the same apparent magnitude. Star A is twice as distant as star
B.Therefore, star A has twice the luminosity as star B.
Star A and Star B have the same temp but B is 20x smaller than A. Which statement..
Star A&B have the same color but star A is brighter
Star A and star B have the same temperature, but different luminosi/es. What can you
infer about these two stars?
Nothing can be inferred from the informaLon given
star A has a temperature 1/2 that of star B, but star A is 5 /mes bigger than star B.
is redder and brighter than star B
Star A has a parallax of 0.02 arc/c. Star B has a parallax of 0.002 arcsec. How much
further is star B from each than star A?
450 pc
Star A is a main sequence star of spectral type A4 and star B is a white dwarf of spectral
type A4. which statement is correct?
Star A would be brighter if both stars were the
same distance away
Star A is a main sequence star of spectral type F2 and star B is a white dwarf of spectral
type B4. Which is correct?
Star B is hoTer than star A
Star A is a main sequence star of spectral type G5 and star B is a red giant of spectral
type K2.
Star A is hoTer than star B
Star A is iden/cal to Star B, except that Star A is twice as far from us as Star B. Therefore,
both stars have the same luminosity, but the apparent brightness of Star B is four
Lmes that of Star A.
Stars with high masses live longer than stars with lower masses
Stellar Parallax is the
apparent ship seen in the posiLon of a nearby star against more
distant stars as we orbit the sun
Sunspots appear dark because they
are cooler than the surrounding surface
Sunspots are
cooler, darker regions on the Sun’s surface
Sunspots are cooler than the surrounding region of the Sun’s surface
Sunspots are dark splotches on the Sun. Which statement is true?
They are extremely
hot, but cooler than the surrounding areas of the Sun.
come in pairs, represenLng the north and south magneLc fields.
Suppose a comet orbits the Sun on a highly eccentric orbit
where e = 0.2 and with an
average semimajor axis distance of 140 AU. Determine the aphelion distance of this
112 AU
Suppose a comet orbits the Sun on a highly eccentric orbit
where e = 0.8 and with an
average semimajor axis distance of 500 AU. Determine the aphelion distance of this
900 AU
Suppose Earth’s axis had a greater /lt (more than 23.5 degrees). Which of the following
statements would not be true?
CelesLal sphere would be covered by a diff set of
Suppose Earth’s axis had a greater /lt (more than 23.5 degrees). Which of the following
statements would not be true?
The North celesLal pole would sLll be occupied by the
star Polaris
Suppose an object is moving in a straight line at 50mph. According to Newton’s first law
of mo/on, the object will
conLnue to move in the same way unLl it is acted upon by a
Suppose a photon has a f of 300 mill hertz, what is its wavelength?
Suppose a white dwarf is gaining mass because of accre/on in a binary system. What
happens if the mass someday reaches the 1.4-solar-mass limit?
The white dwarf
undergoes a catastrophic collapse, leading to a type of supernova that is somewhat
different from that which occurs in a massive star but is comparable in energy.
Suppose Earth’s axis had a greater /lt. Which would not be true?
North celesLal pole
would sLll be occupied by the star Polaris
Suppose that a white dwarf is gaining mass through accre/on in a binary system. What
happens if the mass someday reaches the 1.4 solar mass limit?
The white dwarf will
explode completely as a white dwarf supernova
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