I have attempted to make use of as many preparation and practice moments as possible
during the creation of my portfolio project. When I have downtime at work or home, I re-read
my speech outline to memorize the materials and practice speaking out loud in my bedroom.
Speaking out loud has allowed me to hear the way things may sound to others and tweak the way
I say something as necessary and build on my strengths.
Strengths I have had during this process are the ability to keep eye contact with my
audience and make sure I speak at an appropriate pace. I also ensure I use had gestures during
my presentation to assist in making my point more prominent. An area where I have somewhat
struggled Is coming up with a hook to get the audience's attention while sharing the overall idea
of the speech. I do have some ideas for this and am in the process of choosing and fine-tuning the
hook for my portfolio project’s final submission.
Further developing these skills will help me in both my personal and work life by giving
me the ability to make people want to listen to what I have to say. Sharing things in a way that is
interesting enough for the audience to want to listen, rather than feeling like they are being
forced, will assist me in persuading them one way or another.