Assignment 3: Researcher’s positionality memo
It is important that a researcher’s initial conceptions arising from personal experience
related to their research are surfaced prior to undertaking a research project. These conceptions
(i.e., researcher’s pre-existing personal beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and opinions) should also be
monitored throughout the research project as both a potential source of insight as well as
potential obstacles to engagement with the participants. A common method of addressing one's
positionality is by writing memos throughout the research process. For this assignment, write a
2-page account acknowledging and foregrounding your preconceptions about your research
question in relation to those who you intend to study.
In what ways do special education teachers perceive and understand their experiences with
education and educative processes?
Researcher Positionality Memo
The value of being educated means each person brings unique prior knowledge and
personal experience and biases into every situation, into conversations, into professional
responsibilities. The same is true whether you are a doctor, a plumber, or a teacher. Any
educational research I engage in is affected and influenced by my own beliefs, biases, and
experiences in the educational system and personal background (Bailey, 2018; Merriam &
Tisdell, 2015). These biases and perceptions help not only to understand ourselves, but to
understand and appreciate the differences among the people in which we interact.
I grew up privileged compared to most, living in Hyde Park and Maywood. My brother
and I went to private schools for most of our education.
We had all our basic needs met and then
some and were blessed to have many experiences growing up that a lot of people don’t.