Brandi Harmon
EDUC 798
Advanced Writing & Research
Publication Manuscript: Journal Selection Assignment
Journal Choice: Art Education
is the official journal of the National Art Education Association
APA formatted reference entry for an example article the journal:
Sue Uhlig
“I Believe in the Power Art”: vanessa german, Citizen Artist,
Art Education,
48-57,DOI: 10.1080/00043125.2021.1876472
3. Explain how the focus or scope of the journal is relevant to your selected research topic.
The NAEA Journal is a we
ll-respected source
for research cente
red on visual arts education. This broad publication de
lves into numerous concepts tie
d with the subject, encompassing curriculum de
sign, educational methodologies, me
thods of evaluation, and the influence
of art education on learners' scholastic and individual progre
ss. As an investigator in visual art education, the de
tailed-oriented conte
nt and broad range of the NAEA Journal are incre
dibly applicable to my research topic.
4. Submission guidelines for the journal:
Manuscripts for articles should be close to
Manuscript word count 3,000 words, not to exceed 3,500 words
, including references.
Submissions that vary significantly from these limits will be returned without review.
We strongly encourage authors to include images with their manuscript. Image requirements are described in the Image Guidelines section below.
6. Guidelines for the journal's required style:
Manuscripts should be prepared in APA reference citation format in the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
, 7th edition
7. APA citation and corresponding reference for the submission
guidelines for the journal.
Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed journals. (n.d.).